Does anyone else out there have issues with the HondaLink app? At the moment (July 20) my odometer reading on the app dates back to June 26, and I have been unable to get battery charge and range info for the past two days. When I was having similar troubles a few weeks ago I deleted and reinstalled the app and that seemed to fix the problem. Am I really going to have to do this every time the app decides to stop working?
I have found the app to be particularly unreliable. Just read the user comments on the App Store about hondalink.
There were a couple of days (for me) after the 3.6 update where the app didn't work at all. I'm not saying the OP isn't having problems, just that it works ok here.
Sorry to hear you’re having problems, mine has worked fine since I bought the car in Feb. Here are some things to try: 1 You already reinstalled App 2 Make sure App is plain HondaLink NOT HondaLinkEV, Aha, or Nav 3 Check version, I’m running 3.6 OK, 3.7 just adds the Insight 4 Reset Head Unit, I think you hold down the audio button on top left, haven’t done this myself 5 Nuclear Option is a total reset by disconnecting battery. This will take a few drive cycles for everything to shake out and you may lose some settings. 6 Call Tech Support, (888 528-7876) I’ve found them to be very helpful the one time I called and they’re available on Sat. 7 Check that the TCU is getting a cellular connection. At shut down, look for TCU and antenna symbol and bars. You can also check this on the head unit on the top between the Bluetooth symbol and the time. Mine updates at every start/stop unless there’s no change and at every 15% charge increment. And Find my Car works in 1 to 3 min. So I’d call that normal and anything else needs to have some trouble shooting. Let us know how you get it working.
Not sure what version I have, but it recently updated mileage as of July 15th. It sat at 250 miles for over a month before that. Everything else works.
Try starting HondaLink on the head unit in the car. That works to update the data on my phone. Fortunately, all I care about is when the recharging is complete and that always sends me a message without having to diddle with the app on the head unit.
I’m in the midst of a power outage so I’m public charging for free. As usual, the Honda Link is updating every 15% SOC. I tried the Find My Car to force an update to see how close I was to being done, but while it found my car, it did not update the charge status or odometer reading. ???
I tried "find my car" but it didn't update anything, and in fact it couldn't even find my car. And yet, when I go to the "parking reminder" section it does show the exact location of my car. I'm going to call Honda today, not that I expect them to know anything.
Try starting HondaLink on the head unit. That causes my phone app to update to the current odometer and other stats. I don't like that I have to do that, but at least I have a way to get it done.
Not sure what that means... "starting HondaLink on the head unit." How do I do that? BTW, I called Honda and of course they had me delete and reinstall the app and now it's working. Until the next time, of course. Very annoying to have to do this every time the app decides to stop working properly.
Glad you got it working. FYI, HondaLink is a menu selection from the Home screen on the center display.
Mine has also been acting up on the current odometer readings while the rest works fine. Deleted the app, downloaded and reloaded it and ... still shows mileage from 2 days ago. Any suggestions? Will check the Honda Link app in the car and see if something’s amiss there tomorrow but this is really frustrating. Something you’d think would be updated and working a little better than it currently is. Sent from my iPad using Inside EVs