Well, I just got a letter from the IRS saying that the information I sent did not verify all of the requirements, and a bill for over $9000. They're saying that I need to send in a copy of the sales contract, or vehicle registration, or insurance information showing the correct VIN. I did this before, and their letter did not bother to state what was wrong with the information I submitted previously.
Sorry, we are in the same boat. Sent all the info and the IRS apparently didn’t even read it. Got a “dishonesty penalty!” I’m going to paper them again and send it certified mail, since I got no acknowledgement of my earlier correspondence.
I have received an acknowledgment from the IRS at least. Their latest letter says they will respond in June. Not sure why it takes so long for a simple verification. Should find out in a couple of weeks.
Hope ours goes through okay. We used an accountant for our taxes, don’t know if that will make a difference but hopefully it’s not an issue.
So did I and yet, I received the IRS Inquiry.. The Inquiry came almost exactly a year after I filed my 2019 taxes..
I received the response from the IRS yesterday. They accepted my documentation for the tax credit. They denied my credit for the EVSE. It was included in the original denial, I believe in error. I didn’t bring it to their attention as I wanted to focus on the main issue. I am happy to pay the $200 and move on. Still, I don’t recommend buying an EV with the credit. Lease instead. Let the leasing company deal with the IRS.
Just reading all these comments here made me feel I got lucky with my IRS dealings -- I got the same letter at the tail end of last year and provided all the info to the IRS (except the Hyundai certification which Hyundai couldn't provide). I did also provide photos of the VIN sticker on the car and a printout of the IRS website with the list of qualified cars, which clearly shows the Hyundai Kona EV qualifying for the full rebate. They sent me a letter a couple of months later saying they're closing the "investigation" with no changes to my tax return. I.e. they accepted it. On another note - since I have a 2019 with the battery issue/recall, Hyundai is now buying it back and I'm switching to a Ford Mustang Mach-E, which, again qualifies for the $7500 ... I'll be sure to keep all the paperwork. Maybe I'll look to see if there is a way to include the dealer bill of sale, VIN pictures, etc. with the tax return to head things off early.
I have now recieved two letters from the IRS and penalities mounting due to their denial of my federal tax credit. I too had difficulty getting Hyundai to send me a letter. I sent all I had and IRS lists with the Kona on it for tax credits, did make any difference. Just printed out the forms I found on this forum from Robbert, I bought a 2020 model in late 2019, so I don't know how that will work. I am going to keep trying! Love my car, but Hyundai Corp???
I will do that if I get stuck with the IRS. I was on the phone with them for about 3 hours this AM and am resending my paperwork, which they claim they did not recieve. My CPA has been involved somewhat. Thanks!
Just for the sake of archiving my ongoing experience: the IRS had responded to my second tranche of paperwork by saying that they would give me a final decision by the end of June. Last month, I got a letter saying that they would give me either a final decision or a new date by the end of August.
Sounds promising, I am doing a little more ground work and then will sent by certified mail all I have, the old, which they say they did not recieve and new information I have. Thanks
Follow up that on October 12th, the IRS finally "closed the examination (of my tax return) with no changes". So, guess I'm not a lying tax dodger after all!
This is what happens when a Leviathan of a Federal Government gets to come after you with no recourse. I just got, yesterday, a letter that denied my answer to audit. F*ck. I sent in documents by fax in 12/20 to the original 11/20 audit. I have the digital proof of that fax. IRS said they never got it. No recourse for them just lying and not bothering to check that original answer. Everyone involved in round filing a taxpayers documents should be fired and liable to that taxpayer. Criminals. So, since I hadn't received a response, I finally called in several times (for hours at a time, I kid you not) and was hung up on repeatedly and told repeatedly it just wasn't that agent's department. I finally got ahold of someone who said to resubmit. I resubmitted the exact same answer with an additional cover letter that pointed out that they had my answer for several months and sent digital proof of the IRS receiving the original answer. Several months later I got a response that they received my answer (small success) and that it would be September before they addressed it and answered me. In early October they said September just wasn't enough time for them and they'd answer by November. So, yesterday they said they were unable to change their determination and were charging me about $9500 (7500 plus penalties because I'm a tax dodger). They gave me two options; sign the form and let them proceed with collections, or send them documents to dispute. The documents they want? The same I've sent them that they've had for almost a year (the new 886-A did not ask for the phantom certificate that does not exist). Looks like me and a few other unlucky lottery winners are just going to be harassed by our totally inept Federal Government, A Government that breaks everything they touch and simply does not care how it treats you. I am confident no one at any point at the IRS even glanced at the paperwork that I sent in. I sent in the Sales contract, registrations, VIN (the same one that originally was on my 2019 taxes), and absolutely everything they could want that shows that I simply purchased a new tax credit eligible BEV and claimed the credit (a car I would not have bought if it weren't eligible). That these criminals now will ask me for anything more than any tax payer had to submit for the same credit is inexcusable. The thing is, if JUST ONE AGENT would simply look at my paperwork (that I never should have had to send; Tesla never did, Audi doesn't, VW doesn't, Chevy doesn't, Ford doesn't, etc.) they'd know instantly I'm just a guy that bought an eligible vehicle and took my appropriate credit. This recall ridden tax nightmare has been the worst experience of my life... and the IRS and Hyundai could not possibly care less than they do. *small edit, I removed a section of my tirade to take out the part where I wished horrible discomfort on these A-holes. But, like Mom always said at Christmas, it is the thought that counts.
Just so everyone is aware. The IRS is still ****ing doing this. I was just audited for a car that I bought in March of 2019. At least now they give you option of submitting the documents digitally, but we'll see. I don't even have the car anymore, so I can't take any pictures of it. I guess I'm sending them the sales contract (which has the VIN on it). Not sure what else to send. Maybe I'll also send all the recalls it had to go through that all say "Kona EV" on them and a printout of the NHTSA website that lists it as having EV recalls.