Cool MINI Cooper / MINI Cooper SE swag — gift ideas

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by bldxyz, Mar 7, 2021.

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  1. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    gotcha on that!

    Yes, they are less prominent as the plugs. The plugs have to go! At least the big ones for me! Again vinyl will fix a lot.

    I'm not sure if these would fit or if the maker could adjust for the SE if the size is different
    GvilleGuy likes this.
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  3. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    My restrained comment: Island Blue is closer to the Detroit Lions' Honolulu Blue.

  4. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member


    Valid, but still laughing. I'm in OSU territory though so they take things way too serious here ;)
  5. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    I don't think the Countryman and SE are the same.


    GvilleGuy likes this.
  6. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    The side scuttles no. But the back badge I thought looked similar in size. From a quick glance only though.
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  8. chrunck

    chrunck Well-Known Member

    Wow, that countryman scuttle made me realize there's a big E in the electric symbol. I thought it was just a plug. I like it a lot less now.
    GvilleGuy likes this.
  9. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    You just broke the heart of a MINI designer in 2008.
    GvilleGuy and Lainey like this.
  10. GvilleGuy

    GvilleGuy Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I never realized it, either! I only thought plug.
  11. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    The PHEV side scuttle does make it more obvious. Though the original Mini electric was known as the Mini E and I assumed it was a dual use based on that usage above.

    I do plan on keeping the chrome outline for the circled E but cover the plug portion. I have decided not to de-chrome everything after all.
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  13. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Will you cover the Energetic Yellow in the side scuttle with the black wrap you purchased or will you get some OSU red wrap?
  14. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    Nice one :D honestly I'm unsure. Though doubtful I'll do subtle scarlet and gray on BRG. I dislike red and green together tbh.
  15. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    Look at that, the MINI E had a grille badge with the E logo. Which, I'm sure, is why the SE has the "built in" E badge. At least before the 2022 LCI which dropped it for the yellow "S".
  16. GvilleGuy

    GvilleGuy Well-Known Member

    We still get one E badge on the rear hatch. But, yes, everywhere else the "s".
    Lainey likes this.
  17. Texas22Step

    Texas22Step Well-Known Member

    As a former appointed commissioner of a local emergency services district in my state, I know that an emerging problem with EVs of all sorts is how first responders react to an incident involving an EV. MINI may be including distinctive yellow vehicle markings to alert first responders from a distance that they are about to deal with an electric car, which carries with it many hazards for both first responders and vehicle occupants in a crash or other incident. See, for example, this FEMA article --
    "Know the threats before you attack an electric vehicle fire".

    "There are over 1 million electric and plug-in cars on U.S. roads. The batteries used in these cars have special safety concerns for first responders if there is a car fire.
    These cars can experience multiple classes of fires:
    Class A (tires, fabrics, plastics).
    Class B (fuel) [hybrids].
    Class C (lithium-ion batteries in hybrid and electric cars).
    Class D (magnesium, titanium, aluminum and lithium).
    Electric vehicle fires can exceed 5,000 F. Applying water or foam may cause a violent flare-up as the water molecules separate into explosive hydrogen and oxygen gases.
    There are several common risks for first responders associated with electric vehicle fires:
    Electrical shock (up to 400 volts) [and in the newest EVs coming to market, up to 800 volts].
    Extremely high temperatures and thermal runaway.
    Toxic fumes.
    Lithium burns (respiratory and skin reactions).
    Toxic runoff.
    Reignition up to 24 hours after initial extinguishment."

    So, before deciding to completely obscure these yellow badges on one or more sides of your MINI SE, you will also want to give some consideration to this subject.
    Puppethead and GvilleGuy like this.
  18. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    No plans to obscure, just change the color. Some have had them completely removed. Not doing that. Mini themselves have removed all but the rear in 2022 as it is.

    Was disappointed in the single quote I got for vinyl wrapping grille and boot handle along with side scuttles and badges. $450 total. Seemed high for what others said they paid for bumpers and grilles.
  19. Texas22Step

    Texas22Step Well-Known Member

    Just saying that I WANT first responders to know that my MINI is an EV, both for their safety and mine. That doesn't mean that I want a car that by styling choices (like the Prius, for example) literally advertise that a vehicle is "green." I also want an EV that almost looks like any other MINI or any other Honda on the road, but with some marking to indicate that it is an EV in case of a fire, crash or other incident that might involve first responders or even good Samaritans.

    Perhaps as the EV market penetration increases, one day there will be some "standardized" way for first responders and good Samaritans to know that they are dealing with a non-pure ICE vehicle.
    Lainey likes this.
  20. Lainey

    Lainey Well-Known Member

    I get that. As I said I am not looking to obscure, just change the color. I'm not picking same color as my car even, so given the holographic color I chose, it will stand out, just not be yellow. My badges will remain.

    After my high quote for vinyl I plan to call body shops to see how much to color match paint on my grille. Will make it look more EV as well.

    My point though was MINI has decided to remove all but one badge for the 2022 year. So swapping colors is still better than theirs.
  21. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    Yeah, looking at the UK configurator site for the new LCI SE, the yellow "E" badge is on the rear, but the yellow stylized "S" is the only marking on the front (grille badge) and sides (scuttles). There are the bright orange cables for the high voltage, which I believe is a standard. But on the exterior it's definitely becoming less apparent.

    lci-rear.png lci-front.png
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
    Lainey likes this.
  22. Brewer Fan

    Brewer Fan Member

    How did you mount your smiley face? Is it a magnet?
  23. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    I just posted how I added a grille badge in your badges thread. It's not permanent and no drilling, but it's not a magnet.
    MichaelC likes this.

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