Are there any risks in enabling this on phone? How does it verify identity? VIN number is available anywhere .. will somebody be able to break into car if they know vin number and have honda link installed?
No they cannot. You have to register with some security factors built in. And I think your dealer has to have you “in the system” also to be able to register. Only 3 weeks and I’ve already forgot the steps, but it is secure. Otherwise Hondas would be stolen left and right.
OK, here is a Honda tutor link on it You need the app and and a Honda ID (the security part) and then you enroll. Hope this helps. You’ll really like it. Mine works flawlessly and if Car is stolen let’s me see where it is and wipe the Nav system of addresses.
Can 2 people register HondaLink on their phones for 1 car? Like husband and wife? Just watched the video. So I guess I can register 2 HondaID for 2 different people then
I wonder if the Honda ID is in the original documents they gave me. If it is like the DVD/Radio code then it comes from manufacturer and should b in manual /etc documents
I don’t think it is in your dealer package. I got a bump on the head on my son’s motorcycle (yeah, it was a stupidly bad idea to get on it) and my sort term memory is shot. I think you get it on line. I had to have VIN and then some personal data and it found and verified me as owner. I think. Somebody w better memory help us out here. As to two phones , I don’t know as I’m a widower. But I know that on he app under vehicle then manage drivers it lets you invite another person in. So that may be how you do it. My son has not replied to the invitation yet so I don’t have more details.
The only part I had trouble with was getting the enrollment verification message to the Clarity messaging system - I tried several times over 15 to 20 minutes and then about an hour later I got all three messages. I've heard patience is a virtue but I haven't tested the theory yet.
No way to break in the car. This version of HondaLink won't unlock the doors or start the car. The only active features are preconditioning and charge start. Everything else is passive (range, temp, location).
Why is the odometer reading on my Hondalink app stuck at the mileage and date of Feb 15th? It always knows the correct battery charge level and lets me know when charging is complete.
Today I deliberately attempted to get the odometer value updated on HondaLink. It worked. I simply sat in the car, not driving, with the car on, made sure my Android phone was Bluetooth connected to the car, and brought up the HondaLink app on the phone. I did the action of swiping down from the top to make the app refresh itself. Nothing happened at first. I thought I had failed. But about 3 minutes later the odometer reading matched the car's value.
That is a workaround, at least, but the app should keep the odometer updated without having to manually open the app while sitting in the car while it is running to do so. If the app can tell what the current charge level is then surely it can tell how many miles are on the car at the same time.
I agree, if you are getting charge status then the car and your phone are able to connect by reaching Honda’s server. So it would not appear to be a communication problem. I’d guess it’s in the software side. Although I hate it when my IT Dept. tells me to reset/reboot/reimage (instead of finding out what the problem is) you might try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Also my dealer wanted to disconnect the battery to force the car to reset to fix the HV range problem (as if I was the only one having the problem!) but I did not want to lose all my settings. That might be a last resort. I’d try uninstalling the app first, power down phone, reinstall, power down phone and then see what happens. Good luck and let us know what resolves it.
I have two problems with my Hondalink app on Android: 1. Even though my car (and all settings I can find via the infotainment screens) shows I've selected KM as my units of measure, the app insists on showing me my Range and Odo in Miles. 2. The "connect to your car via bluetooth" card at the top of my apps screen won't go away, even though the car is clearly connected via bluetooth (phone and stuff works - BT icon showing on infotainment screen Anyone else seen these issues or know how to fix?
Thank you! It didn't update right away, as you said. But immediately after I powered down and exited the car, it updated the odometer to today's mileage and date.
OK, got my first problem: MI's instead of KM's displayed in Hondalink app fixed. It turns out the app reads the language and region setting of your phone to determine the correct units to display and my phone was set to English (US) vs English (Canada). As soon as I changed that, I saw KM's.
I'm a Clarity brand spankin newbie. When I attempt to add the secondary driver, on to a second iPhone, I cannot get it to advance beyond "pending inivitation". My internet searches aren't returning any useful information. How do I solve this problem?
Did the secondary driver you are attempting to add to Honda Link receive and reply/accept the invitation? Need a little more info to help you trouble shoot. Mine worked fine. Feel free to send me a conversation on the forum and I’ll send you my cell if we need to.
Thanks for the quick reply Kentucky Ken. I am the secondary driver. Wife is primary. Her HondaLink loaded up fine and is operating normally. Her invitation went out fine. I did receive the email but it says in the header Reply to: [email protected] Since its a noreply email I didn't send them anything. I'll give it a go now and we'll see. The content of the email they sent me: Please log in and follow the instructions in the HondaLink app to get the most out of your Clarity experience. Please complete all activation instructions by 04/09/2018 When I log in it says to connect to the Clarity via bluetooth. This I have done with no sign of any change.
Email sent. Addressed to [email protected] and [email protected] - got a automated reply from [email protected] This is an automated message from American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Please do not reply. This email inbox is unmanaged. Just checked my wife's email. On 3 April she received from Honda an email that said: "We have received a request to change the primary user....if you disagree do not allow any unauthorized users to access your vehicle for next 3 days...." I suspect she may have logged in multiple times. Don't know if this is source of my issue.