When I charge the Clarity at home on 120V, my estimated miles on the display are approximately 54 miles. When I charge this way, I get 45-57 miles in the real world . When I charge at work on 240V, my estimated miles on the display are 44 miles. I normally get 37-45 real miles. I also notice that when I go to info then Vehicle energy on the display; the bars are full when fully charged via 120V; whereas I have several empty bars when "fully" charged on 240V. Is this something that people have experienced before and had it rectified when going to the dealer and getting the SB updates loaded onto the car? Note: I tried to get my dealer to install the charge updates on the car; but he swore many,many times that my car is already up to date and the updates are not needed . I've been too busy to go to another dealer.
I don't have an answer for you but I wonder if the temperature variance between your work and your home might be the cause of the variation. Is the car charged in a warm garage at home and a cool outside location at work? The several empty bars sounds like the basic problem though. I don't think 120V vs 220V makes much difference.
Some chargers time out before the car is fully charged. Is it possible that the chargers at your work are limiting either time or kWh of charge?
You might try having your dealer apply Service Bulletin 18-097, which is a charger s/ w update to address issues with shortened charging times with voltage fluctuations with some L2 charging stations. Sent from my iPad using Inside EVs
The several bars short of a full charge (sounds like a new insult) is the dead giveaway that something is wrong. Next time go to your Honda Link and see if the % SOC is less than 100 or 99 % when it stops. Also, are you getting a notification from Honda Link that charging has stopped? That would be another diagnostic observation, especially if the EVSE is not timing out and the car is not on a schedule. Based on several posts, it appears that the Service Bulletin 18-097 charging problem update is not automatically pulled up as needed to be done on Honda’s computer. So the customer has to ask for it and state that they are having charging problems in order to justify it being applied. I am also very dubious that any Clarity comes with the 18-097 update already installed. If you eliminate all the possible sources of problems mentioned above, then I would demand the dealer install the Service Bulletin 18-097.
Is there an elevation change between your home and work? My house is about 280' in elevation higher than my work that is 30 miles away. It is over such a long distance that most probably wouldn't think it would have an impact, but I drive the exact same route back and forth and that is really the only variable. I can get ~32 EV miles on my way to work and about ~22 EV miles on my way home. No charging at work, so I use HV for the small stretch of highway that I can go 60mph+.
This is really interesting. It’s probably not a bad idea for some of us that are routinely charging at 240v, to try a couple of nights at 120v. Let’s make sure this is just an isolated case.
If you are talking about the arced gauge on the left of the energy flow diagram on the center screen, that is not a state of charge indicator but a simple graphical representation of the mileage estimate going from 0-50 miles, so over 50 miles would look like "full" and 40's would look like a few bars missing. The only actual charge indicators that I am aware of are the bars on the left of the dash display and the percentage via the app. If that were the case, I'd guess the difference in estimate is coincidental and related to the drive pattern rather than the evse voltage.
I think this could be the answer to the difference. Once or twice a week I have a drive that includes a 350 foot hill climb and it devours ~3.5 miles of charge over 0.7 miles of actual distance (that's almost 10% of the entire charge gone in about a minute). If you have an elevation difference between the two locations it could explain the difference. You can use Google maps (select the bicycle option to see a plot of the elevation for the commute).
I definitely don't climb mountains but there could be a several hundred foot climb. I'll check it out today.
I used to work in Colorado Springs (6,300') and live in Woodland Park (8,200'.) According to your stats, it would never make that 15 mile trip. Anyone live in the mountains with this car? How does it perform?
So it's not a state of charge indicator? It is a graph, where 50 miles = 100% of the bars filled? Others questions answered: - Hondaapp tells me it's 100% charged both ways. - I don't think that work limits the kWh, as Teslas suck juice 12 hours per day sometimes.
Correct. What you see in the center console is based on a ~50 mile "full charge" indicator, regardless of how much your battery is actually charged to; e.g. If you're full battery charge estimate gets you 70 miles, then the center console will show "full" even if your battery is only 72% charged as this would be when your charge to mile would be ~50
The battery would deplete very quickly if you used EV mode by itself. In that situation, you would use HV mode on the way up. It would use much less battery that way, but would likely still cause some drop in charge. On the way down, you would regen quite a bit.
I believe this is incorrect. First, the Owner's Manual, on page 123, clearly states that the gauge is a charge level gauge, showing the remaining high voltage battery charge level (state of charge related). Second, our Clarity was fully charged overnight in a cold, unheated garage at about 35F, and this morning the Clarity had 42 miles of EV range while the charge level gauge showed 100% (all of the bars - the HondaLink app also said 100%). If the 50 miles equals 100% charge level belief was correct, the charge level gauge should have been at 84%, two or so bars down. If one does not believe the owner's manual and believes that Honda takes a simplistic view of such things, the observational evidence definitely shows otherwise. LeoP
The guage on the dash shows state of charge, the display on the center console shows the mileage estimate graphically.