How to reset your GOM (secret menu!)

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by wessy, Feb 16, 2022.

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  1. Not me

    Not me Member

    My from-the-factory GOM read 108 miles in Green+, so that process doesn't exactly correspond to a "factory reset". I've also never driven a mile in temps over 40F & it's still colder than that (20s/30s) so I don't think the current weather or previous weather has anything to do with what it comes up with. I'm not sure if this reset is a good thing or not, but the 4 miles I've driven since used 2% where it used to use 5-6%. Definitely need more data to figure out what exactly is going on.
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  3. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    I'm beginning to think temperature is a factor when it comes to the GOM calculation, at least when you first start out. I don't have enough data to point to anything specific yet, but I've seen some big jumps in GOM range day-to-day when the only significant change is temperature.
  4. That’s my observation as well. As outside temperature changes I’ve seen significant change in GOM range prediction.

    On one cold (5F & windy) day GOM predicted 103 miles range on full charge. After driving 2 miles range dropped to 73 miles. Later that day, at 35F, again driving another 2 miles, range jumped back to 93 miles.
  5. ghost

    ghost Active Member

    Finally remembered to reset the GOM after I dropped off the kids for school this a.m. I had about 97% battery charge left when I did it. At 90%, the GOM predicted 112 mi. It was 50 F outside, and I was in sport mode. I average about 4.5 mi/kwh on this leg of my commute.
  6. This is the kind of ???'s that the manufacturer should be providing answers to right in the owners manual. Explain how they set it up to work.
    SpeedyRS likes this.
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  8. TaxiMom

    TaxiMom New Member

    Does resetting lose the car's averaging over distance and temp to get at a prediction?
  9. Jamie

    Jamie New Member

    I've experimented with resetting the GOM once. But I think the GOM is only using the last 5 miles (or 5km) or so to calculate the average. So resting it only changes the value for a short time. It's seems to come up with the same range again after it recollects just a little bit of history after the reset.

    I think the greatest limitation of the GOM is that it does not use elevation in it's calculation. The car knows the elevation and I think it could calculate and average elevation change in the general direction you are heading.

    For example, I left Estes Park, CO with a 90 mile range estimate. By the time I coasted all the way down to Loveland,CO (25 minutes) the range climbed up to about 140 miles. But then after driving in Loveland (flat ground) for about 5 minutes the range dropped to a more realistic 80ish miles. Changes in elevation can really make the GOM erratic. It can be scary if you have an entirely uphill trip that could test your range. If I had 100 miles on my GOM and I was going to go uphill into the mountains I would count on getting about half that for my range.

    I can tell by how elevation can make the GOM erratic that the GOM is not using a lot of history for it's calculation. So I don't think resetting it frequently is going to change anything (for very long).
    e22mini likes this.
  10. I thought just coasting the Mini is impossible due to the regen brake function always being on ? Also I watched a youtuber recently stating that on his i3 that he thinks the GOM is tied into the trip planner function. Meaning when you put in a route the system knows the lay of the land, so to speak and adjusts the GOM accordingly. I mention the i3 because it and the mini come from the same chicken.
  11. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    I'm still unclear about the benefit or even the actual effect of resetting the GOM. No two people are reporting the same results.

    The biggest problem with the GOM is that it doesn't know where you will be driving or the conditions through which you will be driving. Once the GOM is modified to see into the future, it will be completely accurate (I hope they'll include a lottery number button). ;)
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  13. GvilleGuy

    GvilleGuy Well-Known Member

    Agreed. I pretty much pretend the GOM does not exist and just use battery-%. Now, if we could control which trip computer value displays where GOM currently sits, that would be AMAZING.
    SpeedyRS, MichaelC and insightman like this.
  14. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    When I was in an ICE Clubman S loaner for a week I noticed the fuel GOM is even worse! The memorable moment was when I started the car and the GOM said 58 miles remaining, and after driving about two miles it said 42 miles remaining. Needless to say I suffered ICE range anxiety since I forgot where to find and how to pump fuel. :oops:
  15. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    There are two ways to coast the SE: shift into neutral; or find and hold with your foot the sweet spot between acceleration and braking on the e-power gauge on the left.
  16. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    Shhhh those are secret manual transmission techniques. Don't tell them about the third pedal.
    Urbanengineer likes this.
  17. ER13

    ER13 Member

    Watching Archer? :)
  18. Cindy B

    Cindy B Member

    As was posted/suggested by others last summer, I just went to using the % battery number at the bottom of the screen. It has kept us from ever having range anxiety. Normally you can expect 1% charge to equal a bit over 1 mile of range in Green mode. It makes for an easy one-to-one conversion. As others have posted on this thread, the only safe way one could rely on the G-O-M would be to reset it regularly. I'll stick to using the % battery number and continue to use the G-O-M for its entertainment value :)
  19. methorian

    methorian Well-Known Member

    This is what I did in my i3 as well. 1% to 1mile of range was always a safe bet.
  20. Miguel A Dessavre

    Miguel A Dessavre New Member

    I will try it today !! thanks everyone ;)
  21. SpeedyRS

    SpeedyRS Well-Known Member

    Well spotted! We were watching Archer on the iPad while we were charging. I used to watch it on tv but stopped so we’re now working through all seasons on Netflix.
  22. drdunkyn

    drdunkyn Well-Known Member

    Interesting, but after doing this a couple times and reading all the anti-GOM advice I completely agree. The GOM is next to useless, unless you just want a very conservative and inaccurate estimation of miles. First time I did it I was thrilled to see 134mi on 100% charge at about 50F. Then it changed dramatically the next day, though my usage and charge did not. Frankly, I'm happy to use the charge percent as my true indicator, and am still VERY happy with the range at NorCal temps (it did get down to a weenie-shrinking 27F this morning!). Great input from all, as always!
  23. wessy

    wessy Active Member

    Same. Based on all the owner reports of the GOM’s uselessness that I read for months before taking delivery of my SE, I expected that once I got my car I would simply ignore the GOM and monitor the battery SoC percentage instead. And that’s exactly what I’ve done since Day One.

    It’s because the GOM is crap that I was jazzed to learn that it could be reset: We ignore the GOM because it’s (wildly) inaccurate — but resetting it makes it at least somewhat more accurate. Who wouldn’t be for a step in the right direction?

    I’m no GOM apologist, clearly. But because the GOM is what BMW/MINI has saddled us with, I’m all for anything that makes it better. And, objectively, the reset does that…

    (…although I think the value of resetting the GOM only comes from resetting it basically every time you start up the car to go for a drive. Which is why I said in my original post that it would be ideal if it could be programmed, perhaps via Bimmercode, to automatically reset every time you started up the car, as well as on command whenever you wanted to by some quick and simple means far easier to operate than the cumbersome “secret menu” procedure.)

    Because it’s annoying and a little time consuming to have to jump through the “secret menu” hoops to reset the GOM, I knew when I first posted about this that I was unlikely to use this reset feature very often, especially since I’m already accustomed to just watching my SoC percentage. But I’m glad the reset feature exists and is available to us since it does at least improve upon the GOM’s (in)accuracy.
    drdunkyn likes this.

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