Range tests seem disappointing..

Discussion in 'Hyundai Ioniq 5' started by ForceEdge, Jan 6, 2022.

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  1. ForceEdge

    ForceEdge Member

    So I’ve been hearing and seeing a lot of range tests especially on YouTube and the majority of them are not even getting the estimated EPA range on either model (AWD or RWD)

    this seems rather unfortunate because I was really hoping for good range on this cars as I was looking to purchase.

    how does everyone feel regarding this? Wish I could test the range myself before buying
    SkyShotEV likes this.
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  3. SkyShotEV

    SkyShotEV Member

    Agree we would hope all who want to get the opportunity to thoroughly "kick the tires" before signing purchase agreement. Sadly though range isn't the only disappointment, but adds to the list of items that seem to answer why marketing execs seem to be driving inflated ADM and other dealer mark ups. This is a great forum, but as with many other new product intros more buyers today enjoy higher budget ceilings or don't put that much concern with expense in exchange for joy of FE product experience. I agreed with a German brand forum OP who said they are getting "wobbly" on the decision, and suggest to other EV newbies (like myself) or fence sitters (yes me too) contemplating pulling the trigger is to at least browse specific brand forum(s). Example, on at least other Hyundai/KIA forums I gathered value information from UK, Europeans, and Canadians owners with weeks and months behind the wheel mileage experience. To name a few in no particular order, 12V drain issues, Charge port door button, Battery density, return too dealerships for fault isolation/repair, impact of snow stuck in door handles are only a few of the flags raised but worthy to note. Cant ignore the importance of climate locality and software issues either. I never had a need for BM2 or battery monitor in my ICE vehicles but see the benefit to help self isolate or to assist the newly trained or unequipped maintenance shops adding it to limited frunk or boot space. As a retired mgt level trouble shooter and engineer w/lots of beta experience, I can almost imagine those board meetings where the technical/engineering brains of the operation have been overruled by marketers and sales execs sitting closer to the head of the table. You asked so no apology on the TLDR diatribe!!
  4. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Not TL for me! I appreciated your well-reasoned diatribe. The only thing you left out was Ioniq 5 owners periodically having to stop to clear snow off the shelf in front of the headlights. Oh, and the missing rear wiper, too.

    It will be interesting to see what changes (if any) Hyundai makes to the Ioniq 5 as time goes by. How long will it take the company to satisfy the initial demand and have dealers with unsold Ioniq 5s on their lots? Absurd ADMs will hasten that day.
  5. Mark W

    Mark W Active Member

    Can you link to some of the dissapointing range results?
  6. ForceEdge

    ForceEdge Member

    Here’s two I found quick there was one more but can’t find it

    Mark W likes this.
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  8. SkyShotEV

    SkyShotEV Member

    It's not quite a range topper, but Tom Moloughney provided an updated chart earlier this month. You can stare and compare for yourself. Find it up top on this site (not the forum) under "news" or "compare" sections. As @ForceEdge mentions I can no longer find the mentioned but there was a discussion on one of the podcast episodes (cannot recall it was an actual Hyundai Ioniq 5 review but discussed at length) where one of the participants actually did a run out west. He was disappointed in his results but did admit to having wife and dog in the same trip. I also believe Kyle mentioned he had not yet complete his Out of Spec run.
  9. ForceEdge

    ForceEdge Member

    yes I believe that is the exact video I’m talking about that I can’t find. There was a podcast with I think 4 gentlemen correct? I can’t find it either. It was with Kyle Conner
  10. Newby4EV

    Newby4EV Member

    What I find disappointing with all the videos and range tests is that they are generally done at highway speeds. This is not really every day situation for most people. My drive is mostly city with a bit of highway, so range is likely to be much more than what they show in these videos driving 120km/h for hours!
  11. SkyShotEV

    SkyShotEV Member

    Yes that was it @ForceEdge, I think it is still embedded in one of these threads somewhere.

    Yep @Newby4EV "highway" or "motorway" speeds depending on location. I enjoy the unbiased review assessments, yet have been finding better results are from daily drivers/owners forum postings after 2-3000 miles driven or a few months owned who also sometimes indicate how well the dealers/maintenance teams respond (or not).
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  13. GaryClark

    GaryClark Active Member


    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
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  14. Newby4EV

    Newby4EV Member

    I think none of the US Ioniq 5 have a heat pump, which would definitely affect range.
  15. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    According to @Toolworker in this thread, the US AWD models--but only the AWD models--have a heat pump and a battery heater.
    Newby4EV and SkyShotEV like this.
  16. Mark W

    Mark W Active Member

    Help me understand this. If you have a vehicle who's range is 250-300 miles, why is mostly city range a concern? Are you driving 250 city miles in a day? If you are, aren't you stopping and able to charge at some point without worrying about range? To me, the important real range is highway range. 95% of the time, if you are driving a long enough distance to care about true range, it is mostly on a highway.

    Now, if you are looking for efficiency numbers, then I would understand wanting to know it for city driving.
  17. Perhaps @Newby4EV is considering picking up the car directly from Vancouver, and driving it to home province of Quebec.;)
    Newby4EV likes this.
  18. Newby4EV

    Newby4EV Member

    Sure I get your point. What I mean is that most people rarely drive only highway. It is usually a mix of city and highway. So when they show you range for driving on the highway non stop at 120km/h, it is not really representative of what one will get in a typical use. Unless of course you road trip on highway only - which for me is very rare. Most of my long trips are a mix of highways and some slower drives across cities or countryside roads. I would expect to get more than the range shown in these videos...
  19. Newby4EV

    Newby4EV Member

    Well that would be fun! Good idea! Now need to convince my wife to let me flight out to BC and road trip on my own for 4 days...:)
    electriceddy likes this.
  20. The excursion would make for a great thread (Blog). It charges pretty quick, 4 days probably leaves a little room for some extra fun along the way. Personally I would love to read about such an adventure with the AWD version.
    Is free DC charging included w/I5 ?:)
    mho, SkyShotEV and Newby4EV like this.
  21. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

  22. danrjones

    danrjones Active Member

    I think it also depends on your location. I don't care about city range one bit, pretty much every current EV has enough daily city range. My current 2018 Leaf has plenty of in-city range. What I DO care about is highway range. I don't really do combined driving, I'm either in town with more range than I'll ever need, or I'm on the open highway, and I need highway range. The nearest dealer to me is a 90 mile 70 mph drive. Same if I'm going hiking or anywhere out of town, its 70+mph.
  23. Out of Spec has just completed a 70-mph highway range test (you can watch below).
    Conditions around 50 F to start but got colder. Car is SEL AWD 77 kWh on 19-inch wheels.
    Result: 227.4 miles
    @Tom Moloughney should have a separate range test within the week, but in even colder temperatures.
    GaryClark and Newby4EV like this.

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