Zap Tesla!

Discussion in 'Tesla' started by Rob Lay, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Rob Lay

    Rob Lay Administrator Staff Member

    Ha, so we have a new version of "Slug Bug" for those boring road trips. Rules are the same, first person that spots a Tesla gets to "Zap Tesla" someone. It isn't an arm punch like "Slug Bug", it is more a 5-finger poke and explosion for the zap. :D False zaps allow a return double zap.

    The things you do with 11-year old kids. ;)
    Domenick likes this.
  2. That game is deeply ingrained from a ton of road trips as a kid, I still want to reach over and tap whoever I'm with if I see a VW Beetle.

    Nowadays, I'm probably a bit more likely to see a Tesla in town, than a bug. Still pretty rare here, but they do pop up now and then, and now I have a way to let my wife know if I spot one. :D I'm sure she'll be very grateful you posted this. ;)
    Rob Lay likes this.

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