Will 'Speeding' soon be a thing of the past?

Discussion in 'General' started by silversod, Jun 25, 2018.

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  1. I read an interesting article the other day about a bunch of EU directives about "mandatory" safety features to be installed in new European cars BY 2021.

    There are eleven & one of those features is a so called 'Intelligent speed assistance'
    "The system controls the speed of cars by scanning road signs “where possible” preventing the car from going over the maximum speed limit for the road.

    I wonder how that will effect the Tesla cars with 'Ludicrous mode' destined for the European market! Looks like 'chill mode' may be the only option!!! http://www.theweek.co.uk/93687/eu-lists-11-car-safety-systems-to-become-mandatory-from-2021
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  3. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    My BMW i3-REx reads speed limit signs and shows the last one seen. It is a great feature and I kinda wish it had an interface to the cruise control. We have speed-trap towns that make their budget from traffic tickets.

    Bob Wilson
    Domenick and silversod like this.
  4. I didn't know that about the BMW i3-REX, Very cool idea. Yes I live in an area where the old 'speed cameras' are being replaced by the new 'Average speed camera' where racing between cameras then slowing down for them doesn't work any more.
    They're deemed 'stealth' cameras by motorist who are being caught speeding by the tens of thousands per month across England & Wales.
  5. Apexerman

    Apexerman Member

    One more incremental step toward autonomous cars. As the technology makes further inroads into the transportation network, I suspect we'll move into situations where autonomous and non-autonomous cars share the road in the near future, then full autonomy after that. I'm fine with that technology in urban environments, but I'd be disappointed to see that constraint applied across the board in all vehicles.

    Enjoy your car freedom now! Actually "driving" a car will one day be a thing of the past.
    silversod likes this.

  6. I think you're right on the money with that comment.
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  8. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    You bring up a very interesting subject, and one that I've often mused about. Tesla Autopilot lets you (or at least it did) set a relative speed, up to 5 MPH over the posted speed limit. Will this become the norm?

    Or will regulators force auto manufacturers to not let self-driving cars drive over the speed limit? How about the opposite -- will car buyers refuse to buy cars which don't let them freely set their own speed, no matter how fast or dangerous it is?

    Or, conversely, will road and highway departments take note that the posted speed limits are typically at least 5 MPH under the safe speed, and raise them to allow autonomous cars to drive at the maximum speed deemed safe by traffic engineers?

    One thing seems certain: Speed demons will disable the system and continue their reckless driving. And what about local areas where the traffic flow is more than 5 MPH over the limit? Here in Greater Kansas City, there is one eastern section of the I-635 loop where nearly everyone drives an average of 15 MPH over the limit! I was astonished when I first encountered that, but it's a daily occurrence. On such stretches of road, will nearly everyone shut off their autonomous driving system so they can drive faster? Or will nearly everyone accept the lower speed and continue to let the robot drive?

    I don't know that I'll be alive to see ths all play out, since I'm already over 60. But it's certainly an interesting subject to speculate on!

    silversod likes this.
  9. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    The first time we drove to Atlanta, Alabama traffic was running +5 to +10 mph. Then we hit the Georgia state line on cruise control and suddenly everyone sped up!

    FYI, I'm 68 and most of my blood kin pass around mid-80s. But I remember one in-law who after a 'heart palpation' lived ~15 years as a self-proclaimed invalid . . . and complained about it all the way. Sitting in his comfy chair with his snuff can, well I know one way I don't want to go.

    Bob Wilson
    silversod likes this.
  10. DonDeeHippy

    DonDeeHippy Member

    On few of the big jobs ive done the companies have IVMS installed on their vehicles', its a satellite system and It shows the speed u do , even if u don't have your seatbelt or excessive corning and stopping, so I guess speed hounds will need one in their car and it will report directly to the police.
    I'm pretty sure a system like this in Australia is used on chronic drunk drivers (they have to pay for it as well ) that monitors them for 18 months after they get their licence back or they don't get it back

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