Will PG&E still grant the $800 EV rebate?

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by JulianClarity, Jan 22, 2019.

  1. JulianClarity

    JulianClarity Active Member

    I tried to submit the online form 30 times, it went nowhere but got stuck on the same page.
  2. NorCalPete

    NorCalPete Active Member

    I submitted mine on January 18 and it went through fine. I also received a confirmation email from them.
  3. Viking79

    Viking79 Well-Known Member

    Hard to say, most probably since they are filling bankruptcy, but it sounds like that money might not be from them so it is possible they still pass it on. I don't know what legal standing there is for rebates.
  4. megreyhair

    megreyhair Active Member

    Don't expect anything from PG&E except for your monthly bills.
  5. Viking79

    Viking79 Well-Known Member

    I noticed a typo in my message, most probably not.
  6. ukon

    ukon Member

    I finished submission and got check in 3 weeks. This is the easiest compared to CA rebate process. What are you stuck on?
    You need to submit an account number and upload a bill, registration from DMV(not temporary one) on the proof page after application.
  7. Agzand

    Agzand Active Member

    The money is not out of PG&E's pocket, so I don't think it will be affected by their chapter 11 filing.
  8. bfd

    bfd Active Member

    Is this a one-time deal? Farther south, in S.D., the gougers are at least coming up with a yearly rebate (last year's was $500/vehicle, and the year before that it was $250 or so - apparently the amount each year is dependent on demand). Cap and Trade money being used to fund this, supposedly. But if PG&E is a just one time payout, that's too bad.
  9. If you used Chrome browser , try use Firefox.
    Mariner91 likes this.
  10. NorCalPete

    NorCalPete Active Member

    PG&E emailed me today; my application was approved and the $800 check was mailed out. I submitted my application on January 18th, so the process took about 3 weeks.
  11. NorCalPete

    NorCalPete Active Member

    Received my check today, so less than one month from when the application was submitted.

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