Will JP Morgan go under with fossil fuels?

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, Dec 9, 2020.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Rockefeller and Morgan were distant cousins both descended from James Morgan. Morgan's name sake company has been investing in and financing and insuring fossil fuels since JP and JD were robber barron cohort colluders and sometimes opponents.

    But with fossil fuels coming to an end right now it looks like at least the namesake firm will also go under. Its as as underwater with fossil fuel junk as Blackrock. Could have this wrong as it doesn't get more dynastic than some of these old houses. And I think revolving door or not banks of every stripe are just pawns of tecnoctatic government anyway. But if an investment houses entire or majority porfolio consists of written off obsolete trash with no profit futute how does that ever point to the brand persisting? Its like a firm rooted in whale oil.
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  3. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Here is an example of the kind of conflicted investing advice JP Morgan gives clients. It selected its employee Ryan Brinkman, a guy ranked 13551 out of 14719 on tip ranks in the bottom 8% of all analysts based on return with a -3.5 % return this year and surely much worse in other years and second biggest Tesla bear to say as his #1 recommendation you're supposed to sell Tesla and buy green pretender and fossil fuel relic GM as his number 2 recommendation. Why didn't Morgan just hire Gordon Johnson someone with about the same worst of the worst record? This are the only kind of shills they can get at to push their propaganda anymore. People like Tony Soccanahgi have been discredited. Their ilk has lost themselves their firms and their clients being wrong about Tesla just this year more than the losses on the entire US airline industry.
    What have they all lost betting against Tesla and green in recent years? 70 billion? Hilarious, now fossil fuel monger Buffet has been apparently having to buy into Tesla after having just been buyer of last resort for a bunch of collapsing Southern NG junk but to hide the shame of it the shares were apparently purchased secretly.
  4. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Don't care, I bought a Tesla and still own a BMW i3-REx.

    Bob Wilson

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