Why captured sell out media hates Tesla

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, Sep 8, 2018.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Why sell-out media hates Tesla

    1. They think they get paid by sponsor ads to censor and lie about products. Tesla showed you can dominate with paying their rent seeking for lies and censorship which puts their whole bs censorship election filtering legislature capturing law as bribery sponsor class puppet master model at risk and portends something more democratic and democracy is the whole thing sponsored sold out farse media exists to prevent.

    2. Next, bribery based media's actual sponsor masters (media does not need these bribers) that have an exisential issue with Tesla success are the ones at the core, the literal heart of criminal rent seeking- and sell out media exists in particular to foster a more coercive less free society (a W. said to elevate the value of defunct capital) this is the whole reason this fake media exists and Tesla undermines it.

    3. You know if they did anything like real and not captured media they would investigate the shorts but conflict of interest based media and info enclosure and consolidation are based on a conflict of interest called bribery. Nothing dumber in history than a subscription media entity that also takes sponsor money in the form of ads- ads are never more than secondary at best- point is shilling, censoring, spinning, drowing out to mislead the public about the public interest to help manufacture
    scarcity and fear- its terrorist media but also extremely right wing now that claims to be left.

    5. Twitter so far is not corrupted in content by the unnecessary BS of sponsorship allowing Musk to bypass the sponsor censor filter.

    Bernie was barely left- a centrist, Hillary was really hard right except on token social issues but the media calls itself left but is hard right wage slavery on economics and political econ the stuff that really matters. It exists to protect an unjustifiable status quo and was cast into its current pure bribery state under Nixon and Regan- it was by design they had to corrupt the media and inter lock and consolidate its boards.

    Imaging getting back 90%+ of money you've paid over you life for gas back with interest from these same thieving rent seekers.

    German judges propose jailing politicians who do not uphold climate laws:
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  3. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    Add to that the issue of associated press, where everyone just reprints someone else’s stories and the FUD spreads much further than it otherwise would.
    101101 likes this.
  4. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Little more intelligible version below (can't edit):

    Why sell-out media hates Tesla

    1. Sell out media gets paid by sponsor through ad payments to censor and lie about products and everything else. Tesla showed you can dominate without paying rent seeking media (and by extension the sponsor masters that own them) for lies and censorship which puts the the whole bull sht censorship election filtering legislature capturing law-as-bribery sponsor class puppet master model at risk and portends something more democratic and then when democracy is the whole thing sponsored sold out farce media exists to prevent.

    2. Next, bribery based media's actual sponsor masters (media does not need these bribers) in particular the ones that have an existential issue with Tesla's success are the ones at the core, the literal heart of criminal rent seeking in the world- and sell out media exists in particular to foster a more coercive less free society (a W. said to elevate the value of defunct capital) this is the whole reason this fake media exists and Tesla undermines it.

    3. You know if they did anything like real as opposed to captured media they would investigate the shorts but conflict of interest based media and info enclosure and consolidation are based around a conflict of interest called bribery. Nothing dumber in history than a subscription media entity that also takes sponsor money in the form of ads (tolerating a sponsored bribery based employer rent seeker based bs supply side media is how you lose your rights and become property) - ads are never more than secondary at best- point is shilling, censoring, spinning, drowing out to mislead the public about the public interest to help manufacture scarcity and fear- its terrorist media but also extremely right wing now that claims to be left. Money is not speech, that is pure double speak, money is much more akin to censorship and that is the part of it that has to be guarded against, by removing the co-opting conflicts of interest.

    4. Twitter so far is not corrupted in content by the unnecessary BS of sponsorship, which outside of word of mouth and other actions is a mechanism that allows Musk to bypass the sponsor censor filter.

    Bernie was barely left- he was is/a centrist by historical definitions (he'd fit right into our "3 golden decades where had more of a social democracy", Hillary was really a hard right wing puppet, except on token social issues- no actual needed tax raise on the rich, NG as a bs bridge fuel and same war agenda as Romney- that's all she had but the media calls itself left but is actually hard right wage slavery on economics and political econonomy the stuff that really matters. It exists to protect an unjustifiable status quo and was cast into its current pure bribery state under Nixon and Regan- it was by design, they had to corrupt the media and inter lock and consolidate its boards. And now after the right's bs attempt to end neutrality to turn the internet into TV a top down totalitarian one way medium essentially fascist, after that Alex Jones was removed as a pretense to removing all the real left stuff.

    Imaging getting back 90%+ of money you've paid over your life for gasoline back with interest from these same thieving rent seekers- sponsorship exists to protect the very rent seekers that use their property to turn other people into property- get the debt up, get the wages down, destroy education, curtail opportunity, foster private for profit prisons and start debtors prisons- its money based slavery, same thing the current liberation theology oriented pope is fighting and same thing Christ was fighting when flipping over the money changer tables same story against those who use money to enslave as a primary means of control and terror. On the left generally about voucherizing money and reducing it to a means of exchange vice a means of control. But theft of attention based media is about control right down to compulsive distraction and brainwashing even of children- promoting sugar cereals made of BT grain and saturated in phosphate and preserved with gasoline additives.

    German judges propose jailing politicians who do not uphold climate laws:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018

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