What did you do to your MINI today?

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by SameGuy, Oct 4, 2022.

  1. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    Always. Compressor can happily keep the AC running and the battery cool. I did get down to 30% power after several miles at '---' range on Monday after all 4 DCFC and the 6 J1772s were turned off at one location. Lowest I've ever had it. 50mph, everything off except for headlights. 14mi with 7% battery for that leg doesn't sound that bad, but it was uphill...
  2. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Good to hear. I did a 260-ish mile trip a few weeks ago in 32°C heat, stopping every 70-ish miles to charge; after the second charge I had 80% power for around five miles, and after the third charge I had 30% while under acceleration and 60% while cruising at highway speeds for 15+ miles.
  3. pictsidhe

    pictsidhe Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, that's not good. I did one charge to 86% in 39C heat on Monday, with AC on, no power reduction. It was heavy traffic 40-50mph before that so battery had been having an easy time. I have never had a power reduction after charging. Only after a little too much fun, or running the battery low. If I've got the battery fun-soaked, it doesn't take long to recover, maybe a few minutes. I have heard of people getting power reduction after charging. I'm curious to find out why some of us are immune to this, and others aren't. I'm wondering if you have a cooling issue. Perhaps a stuck valve, somewhere?
  4. Qisl

    Qisl Active Member Subscriber

    Ish! I haven't heard this. (I must be getting old folks' ears.) I'll pay better attention next time.
    teslarati97 likes this.
  5. Rexsio

    Rexsio Well-Known Member

    Never expierience loosing power 12500 miles even once . Recently in 95 F. / 35C.temps. trip traveling 63.5 miles and speed about 70M/hr.I plug a car for charging L2 and temps.92 F. I get a biggest charge reading of 120 miles -100% ever .Bc once I charge SE to 100% I never drive right away maybe is a reason I not expierience lost of power .My SE not expierience DC fast charging yet and with outside temp.92 F. Cooling didn’t kick in as I saw with my BMW I 3 with 95 F.temp. Cooling was engaged automatically . image.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2024
  6. CuriousGeorge

    CuriousGeorge Well-Known Member

    Someone on Reddit recently reported experiencing reduced power when driving their new-to-them SE home from the dealership and DCFCing along the way. A few posters suggested that there was something wrong with the car, but perhaps it just depends upon the conditions?

    (I haven't pushed my SE in that way.)
  7. teslarati97

    teslarati97 Well-Known Member

    Honestly I think the startup sound is trying to faintly spell out MARTINI.

    insightman likes this.
  8. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Seems to happen with successive DC fast charges in warm conditions. Other than the shutters, I do not believe our cars have "active" cooling – otherwise they'd have active heating and battery preconditioning like Teslas, Rivians, and eGMP cars. The little bit of air they get through the shutters is the only way to scavenge off all the heat from charging.
  9. revorg

    revorg Well-Known Member

    Here's why we like electric cars. My SE was at the dealer for four days (waiting for a new amplifier). I had a '25 ice SE loaner. I filled the gas tank before I turned in the loaner, and the cost of the gas was $26.58. In the first four days of July, I paid $5.51 (roughly the same number of trips into the metro area). (And the total charge for the new amp, checking all the fluids, brakes, and tires was $0.00. And my SE is more fun to drive than the '25.
  10. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Well-Known Member

    I just did a 1400 mile road trip in my father in law Vinfast VF8. Saw 44-46c battery temps while charging in MD. Couple derates on Saturday, it was hot AF

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
  11. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Cool. The MINI app widget for iOS is now active on the Lock Screen in iOS 18, including in always-on mode. Just tap the Lock Screen widget and it opens the app, the same as it does on the Home Screen.

    Puppethead and MichaelC like this.
  12. MichaelC

    MichaelC Well-Known Member

    Added Nebraska to the list of states I have driven Wattson to or through.

    Drove from Kansas City to Omaha last night for a music performance, then back home today. That stretch of I-29 could really use more DCFC!
    SameGuy and insightman like this.
  13. MichaelC

    MichaelC Well-Known Member

    This appears to be an app improvement rather than an iOS 18 feature improvement. My iPhone running 17.5.1 can add MINI app widgets to the Lock Screen, too. :cool:
    KellyTheK and SameGuy like this.
  14. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Yes, I should have worded it this way. It seems the MINI app, which doesn't get upgraded as often as it should, included this improvement in the iOS 18 compatibility update.
    MichaelC likes this.
  15. MichaelC

    MichaelC Well-Known Member

    LOL - No. Four years ago today, I was frantically refreshing the MINI build tracker as my SE's build was finishing...only to begin the agonizing 2 month wait for it to be shipped from the UK to Kansas City.
    DisgruntledSanta and insightman like this.
  16. Rexsio

    Rexsio Well-Known Member

    Today I replaced temperature gage with probe under a motor cover to see how hot is there just new one more wisible display and a small fan on dashboard to clear fog . They hook up permanently but as I park a car they off like after 5 minutes automatically. IMG_1596.jpeg IMG_1595.jpeg

    Attached Files:

  17. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Well-Known Member

    Wife calls me at 16:50 saying she blew two tires out near her office (thanks Montreal Roads) I was just leaving work, grabbed my cordless impact and quick jack. Went home, got two winters on rims and went to meet her. From call to car rolling again was about an hour

    she called roadside and they said they can only tow to nearest dealer which was further away than my shop…

    anyways now I have an excuse to buy Michelin PS 5 in spring IMG_1430.jpeg
    SameGuy likes this.
  18. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    I would've suggested taking the rims to Exact, but then remembered that you lease.
  19. SameGuy

    SameGuy Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Ay caramba PMC shows the PS5 in our size is $321 a pop! That's 50% more than the Eagle F1s.
  20. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Well-Known Member

    Its the curbed wheel anyways so ill send it to victor in spring.

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