What’s Up With Rivian

Discussion in 'Rivian' started by VJS695, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. VJS695

    VJS695 New Member

    For a new car manufacture what’s up with all the news, very quiet so far. I have sent a couple of e-mails to them to elaborate on all the other items such as warranty, preorders & other items, have gotten no response. I feel they should come forward with a little more info, instead of preordering to get more gear like the order form states.
  2. Poorpilot

    Poorpilot Member

    While I share in your frustration for the seemingly lack of information, I have to keep telling myself that the first vehicle still 2 years out. A lot of the questions that people have probably don't have answers yet, or at least are being finalized. Regarding your specific questions - I doubt they have finalized the warranty information and being that it is a private company, I seriously doubt they will ever release the pre-order numbers. I have read that they received a "huge response" for pre-orders, but that's all relative.
    A lot of information regarding vehicle specifics hasn't been released, but I check their Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts about every other day and have picked up on quite a few tidbits and additional pictures. Remember, these are free avenues to spread the word, so it only makes sense for a start-up to use them to their advantage.
    I'd love to hear more about service centers (which they have addressed, albeit briefly) as well as a mobile service for those that might not live close to one. I'm also very interested in their solar "sheet" that is supposed to be the size of the R1T bed for charging while in a remote area.
    All of the social media outlets I mentioned early have stated that much more information will be distributed after the first of the year- I guess we'll just have to sit back and wait.
  3. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    Rivian only very recently emerged from "stealth mode". It's hardly surprising that there are a lot of questions for which their public relations department doesn't yet have answers.

  4. Guess we should try to get RJ or a representative on here for an Ask-Me-Anything session. :)
    RLXXI likes this.
  5. RLXXI

    RLXXI Active Member

    They sure need to start answering some questions if they expect anyone to take them serious. Last up start new age vehicle manufacturer petered out to nothing with no news 5 years past their intended production start date. Their still hosting a website which makes no sense at all so it's very disconcerting to see the exact same thing beginning to play out here.
  6. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    Rivian looks like the real thing to me. They have already bought a former auto assembly plant, and they have not one, but two working prototypes that look to be production-ready, whether or not they actually are. They have let reporters ride in one of those prototypes and perhaps even drive it. Rivian is also hiring.

    So far as I can see, that puts Rivian ahead of any EV startup outside China except Tesla. (Well, Tesla is no longer a "startup", but that's a pretty recent development.) That's no guarantee that Rivian will survive, but unlike some other EV startups such as Faraday Future and Nikola, I think Rivian has a realistic shot at success!

    Go Rivian!
  7. RLXXI

    RLXXI Active Member

    I wasn't speaking of an EV well at least not at first, they even state on the website a hybrid was the second offering. You can still even pre register free and haven't heard a word from them since 2011. www.flytheroad.com using all ready proven technology etc.. even had a few spots on Jay Leno's Garage.

    When the time came I bought my current truck. I still want one of those in my garage o_O
  8. Poorpilot

    Poorpilot Member

    Rivian has stated multiple times on their Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts that more information will be released after the first of the year. I want to know all there is to know about their vehicles as well as drive one, but you have to be patient. I've asked a few questions on their Instagram account hoping to find out which car show they might attending next, but never heard anything. My guess is they are being bombarded with questions and waiting to release more info. What's really irritating is when multiple people across multiple platforms ask the same questions over and over or ask questions whose answers are readily available via the Rivian website. My advice- be patient.
    Domenick likes this.
  9. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    Advice that very few of us (certainly including myself; I'm no paragon of virtue here!) take in this age of increasing "instant gratification":

  10. Poorpilot

    Poorpilot Member

    Domenick likes this.
  11. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    If you read the article, I suggest you also read the comments. Some of the assertions, and the conclusions, in the article seem to be based on rather questionable assumptions. At least, that's my opinion.

  12. Poorpilot

    Poorpilot Member

    I agree, the article does appear to be biased, however a lot of the comments do too.
  13. RLXXI

    RLXXI Active Member

    Nice to know you have enough time to waste using all those social media outlets, I do not do FB,Twitter, Instagram or any other of the platforms, I signed up for their news letter and figured if any information was forth coming it would go there.

    Why it irritates you about people wanting information on a possible major purchase is a personal problem and has no place in this discussion.
  14. Poorpilot

    Poorpilot Member

    First of all- I wasn't directing the "multiple people" comment toward you or any one else in this forum. As I have said before, Rivian appears to be using social media as their main source of information(why not, it's free) - right now. I'm sure that will change, but for now, that's what it is. The "multiple people" that I'm referring to are on these social media outlets asking questions like, "How much does it cost?", "What's the range?", "Where can I place an order for one?". Though the company website is vague regarding many things, these basic questions can be answered with a quick search. Laziness- in my opinion.

    Second of all- I do have spare time. Sometimes a lot, sometimes not much at all, but I try to take advantage of it when I can. Thus the interest in a more capable adventure electric vehicle. Setting up alerts for any of the mentioned social media accounts is fairly easy, so I don't have to look at anything for a week or two, but when something that I have set up to alert me (Rivian) posts something, then I can check it out pretty quickly. Then when I do have a little bit more time, I can fully dive into whatever was posted.

    If you don't want sign up for any of these- that's your prerogative. I received an email from them the other day giving me a 5-step process of stuff to do while I wait for production to start. It's not earth-shattering information, but step 5 was subscribe to one of their social media accounts to get up to date information.
  15. RLXXI

    RLXXI Active Member

    Communication break down here, I see what you mean about the simple questions like you mentioned, that would annoy me as well. I may be biased towards this whole endeavor due to previous experience with start ups like this coming out dropping a media bomb on the people then nothing ever happens so I'm always of the wait and see type. I can also understand the holiday aspect as I'm sure most everyone is this time of year.

    All they would have to do is set up a simple press release with a few answers on the most asked questions. I think that would go a long way with most people. This is a typical marketing ploy. I'm not unfamiliar with how business works.

    Give people just enough to hook interest then leave them hanging wanting more. I really hate that aspect and as far as others mentioning patience we all better have plenty of that because the thing won't even be built for 2 years, that's not the point I'm trying to make.
    VJS695 likes this.
  16. VJS695

    VJS695 New Member

  17. VJS695

    VJS695 New Member

    Well put RLXXI, I agree
  18. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    I, too, am disappointed at how little information is in Rivian's newsletter, which I also signed up for.

    Poorpilot, thank you for your efforts in scouring social media outlets for news about Rivan. I hope you'll continue to post whatever gleanings you find here.

    As far as "wasting" time, seems to me that reporting EV news, rumors, and info here is exactly what this forum is for. That is far less a waste of time than what most of us do for many hours a day, watching TV or videos, or playing video games, or other activities that accomplish nothing but making the hours pass more pleasantly.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2018
  19. Pushmi-Pullyu

    Pushmi-Pullyu Well-Known Member

    Aren't they always?
  20. RLXXI

    RLXXI Active Member

    Retired or independently wealthy?

    I work for a living. There's time for work, then home, relax a little, eat, shower, go to bed. Rinse and repeat daily.

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