Victory of FCV

Discussion in 'General' started by bwilson4web, Jul 27, 2018.

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  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber


    With only two dozen or so open Hydrogen refueling stations in Southern California supplied by one producer, any problem in Hydrogen production spells disaster for Hydrogen powered car owners. According to off-hand reports from Honda Clarity owners on and the Honda Clarity Fuel Cell Owners group on Facebook, an issue with Hydrogen production at Air Products, the official Hydrogen supplier of the majority of the Hydrogen stations in Southern California, means most if not all SoCal Hydrogen stations are empty.

    Bob Wilson
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  3. TeslaInvestors

    TeslaInvestors Active Member

    It really shows how fast the sales growth is happening!
    I wish CARB will wake up and spend more tax dollars in improving the H2 infrastructure rather than waste billions of tax dollars in millions of charging stations.
    The cars are in solid demand. Sky is the limit.
    The permit process also needs to be sped up.
    It also should lower the renewable component requirement for H2 production. The electric cars don't have such restrictions. If they did, the BEV growth will already be choking, since California's power is (IIRC) less than 20% green.
    But when the entire govt is run by corporate dionations, why will they do the right thing? shows that one station in neighborhood is always kept online. It shows the real time capacity of all stations now.
  4. marshall

    marshall Well-Known Member

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