Tpms light. New car driven only 600 miles.

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Green thumb, Oct 12, 2018.

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  1. Green thumb

    Green thumb New Member

    So i was driving to work this morning and about 30 min later the tpms light came on. My first reaction was ohh crap did i go over a nail or screw? I couldn’t stop because i had to be at work so i just kept going.
    I got to work and checked tires but they looked good visually. Fast forward to end of work and i checked again and drove home a bit more carefully.
    When i got home i checked the pressure on all 4 tires. They all read 51 psi. Btw it was 80 degrees in the afternoon (norcal). So what is going on here? I think 51 psi is a bit high for this car so i will recheck tomorrow morning. I will reset the tpms and go from there. Any similar issues happen to anyone here?
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  3. V8Power

    V8Power Active Member

    Cars are shipped with tires over inflated (on boat/train) then dealers are supposed to deflate to proper pressure as part of prep that you paid for.
    Clarity_Newbie likes this.
  4. BrettB

    BrettB New Member

    I just discovered that mine were also over-inflated. Hopefully no harm done. From the comments here, dealers seem to have an amazingly hard time correctly executing the pre-delivery checklist. Very disappointing, makes me wonder what else they're missing...
  5. Chanks

    Chanks New Member

    I had this happen to me on my extended test drive. Tires were all over inflated and also the TPMS calibration needed to be run. The TPMS calibration is in the setup. It seemed like most dealers aren't doing either of these.
  6. Mark W

    Mark W Active Member

    Same thing happened to me, owned the car only for a few days.
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  8. Green thumb

    Green thumb New Member

    Wow what an oversight by honda! Not cool!. Proper tire pressure is very important and this is not acceptable. I like my car but honda lost some cred re:the way they handled their inspections.
  9. rickyrsx

    rickyrsx Active Member

    My TPMS light just came on yesterday. I've had the car for over 3 months now. I checked all 4 tires and all of them were in the 36-37 PSI range. I'm going to check it again today but if the pressure is still correct, I was wondering if I should run the calibration or take it to the dealer?? Any advice?
  10. Green thumb

    Green thumb New Member

    Update: i lowered my tires to 40 psi. I did not drive it for a couple days after resetting the pressure. I did not recalibrate it either. The tpms light went away, how strange.
  11. rickyrsx

    rickyrsx Active Member

    I checked again today, cold tires this time and I got 35 psi, which is lower than the recommend 36 but are the sensors THAT sensitive??
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  13. Mark W

    Mark W Active Member

    Did you recalibrate yet? It doesn't check the actual tire pressure. It senses if one tire diameter is smaller than the rest.
  14. rickyrsx

    rickyrsx Active Member

    No, not yet. Are you saying that the sensors need to be recalibrated every now and then?
  15. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    There are no tire-pressure sensors. The wheel-rotation sensors provide the necessary info. You need to tell the computer to recalibrate after you change the tire pressures so it can read the rotation speed of each wheel and know it's correct.
  16. rickyrsx

    rickyrsx Active Member

    I did a recalibration but it still says low tire pressure. I checked the pressure again and it's still 35-36 psi. I think I'll inflate to 37-38 and see what happens

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  17. Mark W

    Mark W Active Member

    It only needs to be recalibrated after you get the warning. I got the warning on mine, equalized the pressure in all the tires, but the warning stayed on until I recalibrated, then it went away.
  18. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Did you try driving for a while after recalibrating? I haven't done it, but it may need a mile or two to turn off the warning.
  19. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Did you try driving for a while after recalibrating? I haven't done it, but it may need a mile or two to turn off the warning.
  20. rickyrsx

    rickyrsx Active Member

    Yep. My drive home takes an hour. The recalibration took half an hour so I still had a half an hour drive after the recalibration was finished. The warning light is still on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  21. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Sounds like you did everything right. Dealer time.
  22. weave

    weave Active Member

    I just don't understand the lack of attention to detail these days.

    When I was a teenager I got a job in a truck maintenance facility. I had to do oil and lube on large trucks (48 quarts of oil, wow). I was only shown once where all the lube joints were for grease. I was so paranoid that I would miss one. I just didn't want a truck part failing prematurely due to my incompetence.

    Anyway, that PDI is not that hard. It even has a -- checklist. Just go down it, do the work, and check it off. What's so hard about it?
    KentuckyKen likes this.
  23. rickyrsx

    rickyrsx Active Member

    Warning went away after I pumped up the tires to 40 psi and ran a recalibration. Maybe it's my tire gauge that is off?

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
    insightman likes this.

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