The UN is a Joke

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SouthernDude, Oct 29, 2021.

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  1. SouthernDude

    SouthernDude Active Member

    The UN is such a joke. Who do they think actually buys into this obvious propaganda?

    Human caused climate change is not some mass extinction event around the corner like they make it sound here. Honestly, the science misinformation of climate alarmism is far worse than the misinformation climate skepticism because it makes the believers insane and it provides the justification for skepticism when none of the predictions come true.

    Those fossil fuels "subsidies" (no telling what these commies actually think is a subsidy) are largely intended to help the poor they demand to help in the next sentence. Utterly hilarious.

    LIHEAP is the largest beneficiary of direct government spending on fossil fuels anyways and you'll never hear anyone talk about restructuring it.

    The US - and any self respecting nation - should just pull out of the UN at this point. Utterly worthless agency.
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  3. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    You know the UN stands for United Nations? Some of those nations are at sever risk of sea level rise displacing their population.
  4. The UN has been irrelevant for a long time. They were initially created to protect countries from being invaded by rogue aggressor nations. That mission doesn't seem to work anymore as today's rogue nations are powerful and influential members of the UN. So now it has evolved into an organization that breeds and peddles left wing causes and other collective initiatives. Climate change fits in perfectly with this bunch. The WHO is another UN org that has been taken over by questionable influences.
  5. SouthernDude

    SouthernDude Active Member

    I am well aware of what the UN is and there is zero reason why it should have ever existed. It is basically an institution of cultural imperialism and only exacerbates any problems. It should have never been started.
  6. SouthernDude

    SouthernDude Active Member

    Very true. It is essentially a left-wing imperialist organization.
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  8. SouthernDude

    SouthernDude Active Member

    lol. True. It isn't surprising. I don't blame either of them for not showing up. The UN essentially removes national sovereignty as it increasingly centralizes power. Why would any nation willfully give up its sovereignty? It makes no sense. It's just another reason why the US should pull out. Who cares about the fake morality used to justify it's existence?

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