Tesla sued for verbal abuse at Fremont factory

Discussion in 'Tesla' started by Domenick, Oct 20, 2017.

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  1. From the Guardian: Tesla workers claim anti-LGBT threats, taunts, and racial abuse in lawsuits

    You never want to see this kind of abuse taking place at a company whose efforts you support, but if this report of a couple of lawsuits, with their lurid details, is accurate, it's very troubling. At least it is for me, having gone through some of this sort of bullying in high school, I have zero tolerance for it in my adult life. Neither should Tesla. Or any company.

    I recently worked for a large multi-national outfit -- very blue collar -- and that sort of behavior would get you fired. Immediately. No doubt there is this sort of talk behind peoples backs within cliques, or whatever, but out loud? To someone's face? Unacceptable.

    So, that's my little rant. Tesla really needs to get its factory under control. Treat people right. Foster a positive environment. Hire enough workers, so it doesn't have to rely on people working mountains of overtime, and making mistakes or getting injured because they're overtired. Even in a high-tech world, our basic humanity needs to be respected.

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