So, I called Hyundai about the IRS letter about the EV Tax Credit

Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by FloridaSun, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    So, I called Hyundai Customer support a couple of days ago regarding the IRS letter that everyone in the USA whe claimed the $7500 tax credit on a 2019 Kona Electric. They called me back this morning and they told me is that Corperate doesn't have any such document and they referred me to Hyundai Motor Finance.. This is a joke.. Why would have HMF that document? If we have to pay back the $7500 tax credit it's time for a Lawsuit against Hyundai. They can't just claim that the vehicle qualifies for the tax credit and then wash their hands when it comes to help the customer proof that the vehicle does qualify. I really love the car but the lack of support I'm getting from Corporate is a joke. Can't they have someone call the IRS to clarify with them what they need from Hyundai to resolve this issue? Obviousely, this seems to be too much to ask.. As soon as I get my new battery, it's Tesla time.. Not because of the car.. Not because of the battery issue.. Not because of my local Hyundai dealer which is wonderful but because of the lack of support I'm getting from Corporate..
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
    Dag Lindquist and Bignz like this.
  2. GeorgeS

    GeorgeS Active Member

    Why would you be looking from Hyundai for support on an IRS ruling? They don't make EV rebate rules. Irs makes and Congress makes these rules. I haven't heard of any such rules concerning rebates. I have heard the "green act" will extend the rebate to Tesla in a limited way. I believe you have been a victim of a prank. Ask yourself why would IRS send you a letter concerning "everyone" in the USA? Further, IRS doesn't take back retro active money. Only if they made a mistake or if Congress passes a law to revert. I haven't heard of any such thing. Don't shoot Hyundai yet. If they haven't heard of it, maybe it isn't true. I would do more digging.
  3. MSimpsonNJ

    MSimpsonNJ Active Member

    Has the letter been posted? If yes can someone point me to it? If not can someone post it? I'd like to see exactly what it says.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  4. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    The IRS is asking for a Certification from the Domestic Distributor (Hyundai USA). Something got messed up as this NEVER happened to Tesla owners when they claimed their tax credit (when Tesla still had it). The IRS's system does NOT recognize a Hyundai Kona Electric's VIN number as a valid vin of an eligible EV. The IRS system DID always recognize a Tesla's VIN when someone claimed them on their taxes. So, something got messed up with the Kona and this is between Hyundai and the IRS. It doesn't take a lot of effort if someone from Hyundai Corporate make a phone call with the IRS to see what went wrong. Maybe it's something that Hyundai didn't supply.. Maybe it's a glitch in the IRS's system. Who knows.. All that I'm asking for is that Hyundai gets in contact with the IRS to see what it is that they need from Kona Electric buyers.
    The goal should be to get Hyundai Kona Electric VIN numbers in the system of the IRS so that the VINs are recognized by the IRS. This is something that has to be worked out between Hyundai and the IRS.. It may be as simple as a phone call by someone in Corporate.
    Peter CC and ericy like this.
  5. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    20210325_180259.jpg 20210325_180215.jpg
    Dag Lindquist likes this.
  6. Genevamech

    Genevamech Active Member

    Consider this post from the older thread about this;

    Federal Rebate

    Unfortunately there hasn't been a follow-up and it's not clear if any of the people in that thread experiencing the problem got it resolved.
    Dag Lindquist and electriceddy like this.
  7. Since this is clearly a Hyundai corporate mess up, your other option albeit more complicated is document your unhelpful communication with cooperate, pay the taxes from the returned $7500 credit and then sue Hyundai corporate in small claims for these taxes paid. Assuming an average federal tax rate it should fall well under the upper limits of most small claims courts.
  8. TRSmith

    TRSmith Member

    Has anyone tried bringing this to the attention of a news outlet or one of the EV blogs? Maybe InsideEVs itself?

    It just seems like it's something that the higher-ups at Hyundai USA should care about and might be able to do something about, whether it's their responsibility, the IRS's, or someone else's. And getting a journalist on it might be a way to get the attention of Hyundai USA leadership.
  9. Robbert

    Robbert Active Member

    I was part of the original thread. The fact that no part of Hyundai is aware of this certification form is bizarre, but you never end up talking to the right people anyway when you call a phone bank. And it depends on the rep you talk to how far they're willing to go up the chain for you. Via another person who had a similar issue on Facebook, I was able to obtain these certification forms. I attached them in the original thread (which is linked earlier).
    Note that this is not likely a Hyundai screw-up, but rather an IRS screw-up. Also note that I never sent in that document (I got it after I already sent my documentation; bill of sale, etc. to the IRS). I received a letter from the IRS earlier this week saying case-closed.
    The IRS was probably using the wrong database to verify the VINs when they did their screening, and somehow our cars weren't in there, or weren't qualified as EV's. So the "automatic" letters went out.
    I initially also spoke directly with an IRS agent about this, and he was confused as why those letters went out. Without admitting it was their fault, he said to just send them what I had and it should be ok.
    Dag Lindquist, Genevamech and ericy like this.
  10. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    Let's see what will happen.. I will send the bill of sale and my window sticker and see if the IRS will be satisfied..
  11. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    Saw the PDF in the original thread.. Will print it and include it in my response to the IRS. Thank you so much for posting it..
    Robbert and ericy like this.
  12. Ed C

    Ed C Active Member

    Wow, I filed for the tax credit on my 2020 tax return.....have not gotten a letter from the IRS yet, but I was given the full rebate.
  13. Robbert

    Robbert Active Member

    So was I .. But then a year later they claimed the VIN was incorrect. Just make sure you keep all your paperwork in a safe place in case they send you a letter as well in a year or so. :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    It takes about a year from the date you filed..
  15. Ed C

    Ed C Active Member

    If that is the case, then ALL Kona EV owners will be affected. It will be funny to see what Hyundai will do then when every Kona EV owner demand them to sort it out with the IRS.
  16. Black Kona EV

    Black Kona EV New Member

    How many miles you have on your EV now and have you seen any change in the battery life? i just purchased a 2021 Kona EV
    electriceddy likes this.
  17. SeanH

    SeanH Active Member

    I have not received something from the IRS (yet), but who knows how many years back they will look. Can you just list exactly what you sent that resolved it? I looked back at the other thread and it wasn't clear to me.
  18. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    There is a glitch in the matrix somewhere.. It's not like they will have to call the IRS for every customer. They should call the IRS to check with them where the glitch in the matrix is and work with them to fix it. Once it is resolved, they can just advise customer service representatives to tell customers that they no longer need to submit the certification, just the bill of sale to the IRS.
    This seems to be a database issue where the Kona Electric VINs don't show as eligible VINs. Hyundai and the IRS should work on getting the Kona VINs on that database to show eligible.
    ericy likes this.
  19. FloridaSun

    FloridaSun Well-Known Member

    47600 miles.. No range reduction as of yet..
  20. Considering the amount of DC charging including warm ambient conditions that speaks volumes for the LG chemistry/Hyundai BMS we were all hoping for when we purchased our Kona EVs.
    So much negative especially recently, it's great to hear better than anticipated results:)
    John Lumsden likes this.

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