Sharing EV experience with ICE owners

Discussion in 'General' started by bwilson4web, Nov 30, 2021.

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  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber


    Feel free to modify my recent posting at Autoline.TV for you favorite EV ride. My post was for ICE owners to show how owning our Model 3 has been (see below.)

    #23 (Lambo2015) – I’m not sure what the predicted EV adoption was supposed to be. Regardless, demand for Teslas is so high they have about 6 month backlog and Tesla is raising their prices by several thousand dollars to slow demand. But I have almost 3 years and 57,385 miles in our Model 3.

    In March 2019, my Tesla cost $24,000 by trading in a Toyota Prius Prime. It costs $2.75 per 100 miles around town. Free charging reduces that by about 25%. On the highway, it costs $3.50/100 miles but only $3.00/100 miles if we stay at motels with free breakfasts and charging.

    The first drive with a full battery goes about 230 miles or about 3-4 hours. We stop at a fast food place for bathrooms and a sack meal. Then we SuperCharger and in 20 minutes have finished the sack meal and drive for +2 hours to the next SuperCharger. We typically drive about 700 miles each day. Then there is maintenance without oil, air filter, spark plug or transmission bills.

    One can travel faster in an ICE vehicle but not cheaper. We arrive with money for good meals and activities and don’t worry about the cost of gasoline or diesel.

    What prompted my posting was after the Lucid reviews I was not 'turned on' by longer EV range or much faster charging. Rather, it is the reliability, cost, and density of fast DC charging and L2 EVSE, the charging networks, matching our Model 3 EV capacity that makes ownership practical. Feel free to edit my posting for other EVs to share with ICE owners.

    Never let perfect become the enemy of good enough.

    Bob Wilson

    ps. Outline:
    1. Address someone - talk with not at ICE owners.
    2. Relate to purchase cost - include trade-in.
    3. Relate to operational cost - they pay at the pump so use dollars.
    4. Operational scenario for a cross country trip - let them know how to go long distances.
    You want to encourage a conversation and share but not over promise what EVs can do.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2021
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