Power Exporter 9000

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Gearhead, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. Gearhead

    Gearhead Member


    I saw this a couple of years ago. I asked Honda Power if they were considering a version for the Clarity PHEV when I started to consider the Clarity around a year ago and again yesterday. Here's their reply:

    Thanks for writing in with your question. Currently, Honda engineers in Japan had intended for the the Power Exporter 9000 to work with the Clarity HFC (Hydrogen Fuel Cell) vehicle. This is to provide energy from an a Hybrid vehicle that runs on an alternative fuel source. There are no current plans for the Power Exporter 9000 to be brought to the mass market, but if there is enough demanded for this product Upper Management will probably have to reconsider. I will pass your interest along for this product.

    Honda Power Equipment
    770-497-6400 [​IMG]

    If you'd be interested in this product for the PHEV send a note to Honda Power - https://powerequipment.honda.com/support/contact-us.

    Sure looks way better than a gas generator. There was an inverter product for the Prius and owners were very happy with it - https://invertersrus.com/prius-power-inverter/
    Peter CC, Texas22Step and weave like this.
  2. jorgie393

    jorgie393 Well-Known Member

    Sure looks nice. Though I remember someone earlier saying whole-house energy draw would be more than any wiring back from a car could stand, in fact my house never draws more than 1-4 kW (except when I'm charging the car). Compared to 7.6kW to charge the car. Even if it wasn't the whole house, just to run a few things like a refrigerator, would be nice to have.

    I wrote that site, but it's the Honda Power Products line (generators etc). I couldn't find anywhere to petition in favor of this from the car side.
  3. Gearhead

    Gearhead Member

    It's a Power product so they're the guys to contact. I tried the car side and they directed me to Power.

    We'll need to see specs but from the little information we have it looks like it would be very useful and much more convenient than a gas generator. Just plug the car into the transfer switch and turn it on (outside of course). If it can power the basics I'd be thrilled. Motors draw a lot on startup so I'll reserve judgement but based on the Prius application and Honda Power's general description I'm optimistic. Now they just have to build it!
    Peter CC likes this.
  4. weave

    weave Active Member

    This would be awesome. I've been wanting a generator but don't like the idea of a gas engine generator and all the hassles and maintenance that entails.

    My biggest issue when power goes out is mainly if in the winter my natural gas heater won't run because it needs an electric fan to push the heat through the house. That doesn't require a lot of current.
  5. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Honda shows the Power Exporter 9000 with the Japanese Clarity PHEV, but it requires the Level 3 connector not found on the non-Japanese Clarity PHEVs. At the Power Exporter's cost of $10K, there are many cheaper alternatives to drawing power from your car.
  6. Gearhead

    Gearhead Member

    I am concerned about voiding the warranty. For the Prius solution the question of whether or not it voided the warranty was never clear because a connector had to be added to the car. A Honda solution would be manufacturer approved of course.

    I'm very interested in learning about alternatives. What do you have in mind?
  7. ryd994

    ryd994 Active Member

    It's connected through the DC quick charge port. Phev in US doesn't have it.

    Phev in Japan does, and Honda mentioned the power exporter in their ads.

    Practical wise, I don't see the point using the power exporter on the phev. There are many cheaper gas generators.
  8. AlanSqB

    AlanSqB Active Member

    Needs the CHAdeMO plug for Vehicle to Grid (V2G) applications. CHAdeMO allows for power both ways.
  9. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    No alternative that involves a Clarity. For $10K, you can buy a very nice permanent or portable generator.
  10. Sandroad

    Sandroad Well-Known Member

    For about $5000 you can get a Cummins whole house standby LP or NG permanently installed generator with a transfer switch from Costco and pay for installation. It automatically starts when the utility power goes off and runs indefinitely. AND, you get to use you car instead of needing it for power! What’s not to like? If you are renting, maybe a different scenario, but one of the super-quiet Honda portable generators is pretty versatile too.
  11. Texas22Step

    Texas22Step Well-Known Member

    Suggest you consider one of the many "dual fuel" portable generators available. These will run on either gasoline OR bottled propane (same variety one may use for their BBQ grill set up). I bought such a generator on sale from NewEgg.com, had a local electrician install a manual transfer switch in my garage next to the breaker panel and bought a 30 gal. propane tank from Amazon -- now we are all set for winter utility outages.
    KentuckyKen likes this.
  12. Texas22Step

    Texas22Step Well-Known Member

    FYI, I sent a message of interest to Honda, as you suggested. In a few days, I received this identical (word-for-word) response that you quoted in your post (including the name of the responder). It sounds good, but I guess I am not going to hold my breath either. They most likely have bigger fish to fry, although I do remember my mother always saying, "If you don't ask, you will never get."
  13. Gearhead

    Gearhead Member

    I'm with your mother on this. Showing enough interest can get a product to market eventually, details TBD.

    I lost power at home for 13 days after Sandy and keeping my generator gassed up was a major pain. It would have been so much easier to gas up my car, drive home and plug it in. Propane would be better but I doubt I could have found any for sale the first 3 days after the storm.
  14. ryd994

    ryd994 Active Member

    I don't think it's possible on current clarity. J1772 is an AC interface. The electricity can't just bypass the charger and flow backwards. Japan version has the chademo interface, which allows DC bidirection flow.
  15. Sandroad

    Sandroad Well-Known Member

    Hmm.....but you have had to keep the Clarity gassed up too! My generator has a 5 gallon tank and my Clarity has 7 gallon tank (in round numbers). I don't know what the generator in the Clarity has for Kw output, but for the sake of argument, let's say it's close to the car's charger input, which is 7.7Kw. That's more than the 5Kw of my generator, but in the same proportion as the gas tank size. So, depending on load, I may be gassing up the Clarity a little less often than I would the generator, but it would still need gas. And, I would have no power at the house while running out to gas up the Clarity (assuming operational gas stations after a storm). I could see very short term use of car as a "power supply" (hours maybe), but for sure not 13 days!
  16. jorgie393

    jorgie393 Well-Known Member

    I have cooled on this whole idea once I heard the price tag, but the Clarity might have an advantage over the generator. Able to store a large amount of electrical energy in battery, and cycle ICE on and off in max efficiency.

    Around 13 days was actually quoted elsewhere as an estimate, but was based on the average Japanese household consumption and the Clarity fuel cell model. Not probably appropriate for US houses. But I bet you could get several days off the PHEV if you were stingy with power use. No charging the car of course :)

    For all generator types, can also bring a gas can :).
  17. Gearhead

    Gearhead Member

  18. VancleVector

    VancleVector New Member

    I purchased a Propane Generator from Central Maine Diesel a few years ago.

    20 HP Honda engine, Italian generator head.
    Paid about $2300 plus shipping via Paradise Freight which was a few hundred.
    I see the price is just a bit higher now... But the one I want most is cummins.

    Recently it blew a capacitor. Central Maine sent me 2 for the price of one even though it is out of warranty. $39 total for two.

    I looked at generators on island but a similar Honda at Quality electric was close to $6000 and it wasn't even a 13750kw. More like 8 or 9000kw if I remember right.....

    They have many generators at great prices but this is the one I settled for.
    Quiet, no smell, propane lasts forever........
  19. briano

    briano New Member

    hello all, new to this thread, and site, but there was another thread shown below, that talked about just plugging into the cables of the 12V DC Bus bar of the car, and powering back up stuff, at your home. I ID'd an ideal inverter (2nd link below) for $600 that could be plugged into 12V side of battery and power up to 50 AMPs of stuff, which is quite a hefty amount of power (6kw). The thread talks about how to run the car to allow for this configuration. Just curious if anyone has tried this yet, before I shell out some $$ for a 12VDC / 120VAC inverter. Thanks,



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