Hi EVeryone, Our 2018 Clarity Touring joins the ranks with apparently failed air conditioning. 40+ K miles. I'm going to continue reading threads here to form a plan of action. Honda is covering AC defect quite well in this NHTSA bulletin: Civic 10 years / unlimited miles ALL trim levels https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2019/MC-10163796-0001.pdf It seems only fair that our cars should get equal or better treatment! I think it would be helpful to collect summaries in replies below. I'll put the first one for our car, defect details TBD.
2021 May 2 UPDATE: My AC failure looks to be due to a non-damage refrigerant leak due to a leaky condenser: 1. No signs of damage to tubes, minor flattening of some fins. 2. The driver's side end of the condenser is significantly darker than the rest of the fins in the area. 3. The refrigerant includes an oil. 4. Oil attracts dirt. Here's 1 of 6 images I took starting at the driver's side end of the fins, and working towards the passenger's side to illustrate the driver's side end is the only dirty looking section. The rest of the images are here. I plan to contact my local Honda dealer tomorrow to review my (layperson's) diagnosis.
Your photos don't do this justice, but from your description, it seems like your eyeball is onto something.
I reorganized my album a bit. It's now here: https://insideevsforum.com/community/index.php?media/albums/2018-clarity-touring-phev-sabasc.85/ Here's a better image of the dirty area: https://insideevsforum.com/community/index.php?media/img_20210502_170316.528/full Zoom in on the image at the link above and pan to the area shown below:
Although I plan to pursue a warranty repair, if I end up abandoning that avenue, does this offering from Pacific Best look like a valid aftermarket part? Interesting to find that the following OEM part has been discontinued? How? No more AC repairs?? https://www.hondafactoryparts.com/oem-parts/honda-condenser-80110trwa01 A retail outlet for Pacific Best, CarID mentions guaranteeing fitment. https://www.carid.com/pacific-best/a-c-condenser-mpn-pc30151.html?singleid=3857654155 (12 month warranty) Pacific Best® - A/C Condenser Item # mpn4751385381 Pacific Best® - FAQPacific Best® $130.97 In Stock (6) - Get it by May 6 - 11 2018 Honda Clarity Fits Following Model(s): Plug-In Hybrid Replaces Original (OE) Part #: 80110TRWA01, HO3030172
This is the first Clarity PHEV-specific aftermarket part I've seen. I wondered if there would be enough A/C condenser failures for someone to make a replacement part for the limited-production Clarity PHEV and you have found it. There isn't even an aftermarket windshield for this car AFAIK.
This would be great, and I hope it starts a trend... I will remain skeptical for now. There was an example reported here some time ago (I think it may have been a trailer hitch). It looked like they were selling one for the Clarity. There was a fancy web page with a price, a shopping cart, etc. But it turned out that the company hadn't made anything and was fishing for interest. A condenser that is officially reported by Honda as discontinued (and now an aftermarket part shows up) may be different... Perhaps Honda worked with this supplier in order to maintain part continuity. Maybe @sabasc will actually have an "opportunity" to test this one.
I have an appointment next Tuesday for a diagnosis, specifically asked for no repair until I review the diagnosis. There is another 2018 Clarity (not sure if it's Touring or Base) in the same dealer's service department for a replacement condenser from road debris damage. That customer was quoted $2K parts and labor to replace it. I forgot to ask the senior service advisor about the discontinued condenser I mentioned above. I'll ask on Tuesday.
2018 Clarity with 32k miles. The air conditioning failed. The dealer identified as a condenser leak and it will be fixed under warranty. Thanks for those on this forum that posted this was a frequent issue as I mentioned it to then when I brought in the car. I will update if the situation changes.
- Update from the repair - fixed under warranty Description of service Corrected by (06001) (07404) Condenser Assembly Replace Corrected by A/C System (R-1234YF) Evacuate and Recharge Corrected by Leak test add Installed R1234A : REFRIG QTY 2 Installed 80110-TRW-A02 :CONDENSER QTY 1 Installed 80872-SN7-003 :O-RING (1/2") QTY 1 Installed 80873-ST7-000 :O-RING (8MM) QTY 1 Installed 38899-5WM-013 :OIL (SE-A2) QTY 1 Installed R1234YF :REFRIGERANT 087990003 QTY 445 Charge $0.00 Believe I saw the dealer sheet that was about $1050
URL="https://insideevsforum.com/community/index.php?threads/clarity-a-c-problem.6302/page-9#post-131408"]Clarity Honda Canada covered repair for @Gbuff 's 2018 Clarity! I hope this and @jray19 's success (in post above) are the start of a trend. @jray19 do you happen to have any sympathetic contacts from your experience in case I run into a roadblock? That said, did they have to make an exception for the age? It looks like your miles qualified at 32k.
Wonder what the difference is for the new *A02 vs A01? Has anyone tried the aftermarket one suggested above yet? Sitting at dealer now for diagnostic... we'll see what they find and propose as a solution... Either way I'm thinking an extended warranty is probably a good idea though I normally despise them (and the screen I've seen referenced)
+1 for Condenser leak/failure. 2019 Canadian Base Model, with only 22,000 Km Repaired today under warranty ($0) with the following parts: - 80110-TRW-A01 (CONDENSER) - TP9811 (DYE R1234) - OPTEO-N12-34YF (FREON 1234YF) - 80872-SN7-003 (JOINT 1MM/2) - 80873-ST7-000 (JOINT 8MM) Cost for parts only was shown at $1,181.11 CAD. Photo below for those interested in what the leak looked like.
Or maybe someone at the vendor just noticed that an existing condenser from some other car would fit and added it under Honda Clarity.