Of course Hyllion is NOT(!!!) carbon negative!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, Oct 9, 2020.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    The Hyllion CEO has been going around saying their natural gas products will be carbon negative based on fart gas. That's like saying Hyllion has figured out how to over come the conservation laws of physics.
    Its just false on its face. But its as dishonest as saying light cigarretts improve people's health including the health of non smokers. There needs to be a serious effort to keep the fossil fuel industry from lying to the public so regulators can't hide behind misinformation. When they get caught lying they just go with bigger lies.

    Nikola was quite apparently just attempting to claim dirtier than coal grey hydrogen was through a diesel gate bait and switch long tail pipe type scam actually 100% green when its obviously dirtier than coal. And for sure this was done to save loser natural gas- it can't be saved. Toyota also tried the fungible fart gas nonsense (that Hyllion is trying) as a means to try to make the grey hydrogen seem green when its blacker than coal. But Hylliion tops all this bs by trying to say it will be (implying it is or is already proven to be.) carbon negative.

    We need a truth in advertising disclaimer on every natural gas product that like cigarrets says warning carcinogenic but also saying DIRTY natural gas (as opposed to the 'clean' nonsense they put on- its not even comparatively clean) in both pollution and corruption.

    What Hyllion is trying to claim is actually worse (on consideration) than what Nikola was trying to push (past tense because it really looks like Nikola is sunk from transparency) because while Hyllion's approach is cleaner than gray hydrogen and marginally cleaner than diesel its insidious
    because it means wasting critical resources on doing essentially nothing (because when you're leaping for a ledge you have to leap far enough to reach the ledge and not fall because you were dicking around comforting criminals) about climate change and doing nothing about increasing climate instability and insecurity. It means trillions of added unnecessary tons of CO2 and endless pollution including mercury. And it does nothing about pulling the plug of the criminality of the fossil fuel industry. Its not justice or anything like it and it keeps us from addressing climate change for the benefit of people who gave us the problem.

    It reminds me of the PR bs coming from Microsoft because you see while MS is busy distracting with claiming it will go carbon negative and reclaim all the carbon it ever used its employees discovered its hypocrisy and in response it said through its President it was crucial for MS to support fossil fuels companies transition (because we will supposedly need more energy) instead of working to snuff out these criminal entities. And then its founder it trying to dis batteries and prop up the hydrogen scam made anti Tesla battery statements while trying to say we should rely on fart gas- timed to release of Nikola GM 'partnership,' because he is pro fossil fuels first and foremost as his behavior more than his words demonstrates.

    It also reminds me of the fusion shell game.
    I met someone who worked on hot fusion in the late 80s and early 90s. They said they got out when they realized it was being suppressed to benefit fossil fuel bs. And as we know Locheed when stuff was coming unglued in the 08 crisis did full color spreads in Fortune and Forbes saying it had cheap school bus sized working safe fusion reactor units that would each put out 100mwh. For that size it was ubviously not messing around with steam. They had pictures in these spreads of working units. That right there should have sent all fossil fuel stocks to zero! But a lot of people saw it and so a lot of people knew fossil fuels were bs with no future and no necessity so its a huge part of the reason fossil fuel are moribund. But if they had or have that they may have better stuff like vacuum energy. Locheed's Ben Rich used to tell grad students he was trying to recruit in the 80s they already had the tech to go to other galaxies.

    But just considee the bs marketing from the fusion industry. SPARC says they will have a working power positive by 10x hot fusion reactor based on high temperature super conducting magnets by 2025. But then the BS starts- its just a heat source and they want to take another decade to wrap an ancient steam engine around it (no direct energy extraction tech) and they say it is great because up to a gwh capacity and its a drop in replacement for energy rent seeker utilities. You know it will be a dollar a watt or a billion per plant so its probably 15 trillion to replace the world's energy supply (but is it also heating a bunch of outside water) or is that a closed circuit? Its more of a heat pollution risk and its still politically toxic and unacceptable centralized energy. So it doesn't look like it competes with the fusion reactor in the sky on price or other ways.

    And lets not forget that Terra power was just about to release a nuclear design that would also solve all the power problems but it just got delayed by a decade allegedly over trade issues but more likely because defender of natural gas Gates was involved with it.
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  3. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    If you want a laugh, check out the Fuel Cell electrical plants in South Korea. Their getting green credits, but using natural gas as the feed stock to make hydrogen on-site, to run through the fuel cell. WTF??? They're not even pretending to use sustainable hydrogen, and they qualify for green credits.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
  4. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Exactly. If they want to be bacwards and polluting why not just use Bloom Energy's tried and true natural gas fuel cells? Just plain stupid and criminal.

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