no 2019 model

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Vas, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. Vas

    Vas New Member

    Does anyone know why there is no 2019 followup of Clarity PHEV? Thanks in advance!
  2. jdonalds

    jdonalds Well-Known Member

    Well the PHEV version just shipped December 5th so it hasn't been out a year. Honda predicted they'd sell just 75,000 over 5 years. It is possible they would just let the five years pass without a single change to the product. It's also possible they might make just some minor changes. This is pretty common for Honda and Toyota.
  3. geminiwave

    geminiwave New Member

    That said the dealers in Seattle area stopped getting shipments. I think this signals a 2019 model coming in. I wouldn’t expect any major changes but I bet something is coming soon.
  4. ryd994

    ryd994 Active Member

    Seattler +1
    No, I don't think that's something special. Dealers in Seattle are always short of Clarity stock. I only found one on lot among 5 dealers when I purchased mine in April.

    Plus some big dealers are trying to convince me to putting down payment for a car still on ship.
    The funny part is that they start with "a non binding fully refundable deposit". When i almost decided to pay, after another "talk with the manager", they ask me to sign purchase contract and make down payment.
    Ridiculous tricks.
  5. jdonalds

    jdonalds Well-Known Member

    There are 10 Clarity cars sitting on the Crown Motors lot here in Redding. Forget waiting for a ship to arrive.
  6. ryd994

    ryd994 Active Member

    Thanks for the info, but I've done shopping. (Yep, the only one on the lot)
    I don't wanna drive 10 hours on a new car either.
  7. geminiwave

    geminiwave New Member

    No what I mean is that I couldn’t even put down a down payment. They offered that at first and then came back and said there are NO MORE available to order from the factory. The manager was actually pretty frustrated because we had hammered out a deal and he couldn’t deliver.
    gooki likes this.
  8. AnthonyW

    AnthonyW Well-Known Member

    Per a Honda salesman who also owns a Clarity on a Honda Clarity Facebook group the 2019 will be released on January 24, 2019 with no major changes or updates

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  9. ryd994

    ryd994 Active Member

    how about another dealer?
  10. geminiwave

    geminiwave New Member

    Considering the other 3 nearby can’t sell ones they’ve had on the lot since April? Not sure they’re getting any more in either.
  11. Yukon903

    Yukon903 New Member

    According to the service advisor at the deal shop, the 2019 will have the ability to do updates via WiFi or cellular.
  12. Ben Washburn

    Ben Washburn Member

    Meaning no more taking it to the shop for software updates?
  13. Yukon903

    Yukon903 New Member

    That is my understanding.
  14. su_A_ve

    su_A_ve Active Member

    Now, they could very easily do a software update that allows updates to be done via WiFi or cellular for 2018 models.
  15. smith ho

    smith ho New Member

    Does anybody know the software upd on 19 Clarity?

    Sent from my iPad using Inside EVs

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