New Style 12v Battery? Or Old-Fashioned Malarkey?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by Toolworker, Dec 22, 2020.

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  1. Has Hyundai stopped using covers on the 12v battery negative terminal?

    The dealer replaced my 12v battery, which has been going dead occasionally (more details here).

    New and old batteries.jpg
    The new battery is missing the holes for the cover. The service advisor said this is a new style battery that Hyundai now uses, and the negative terminal doesn't have a cover.

    Truth squad, please weigh in here. Thanks!
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  3. I can confirm that my MY2021 Ultimate, built in August 2020, came with the same battery style as your 'original' battery pic. It had the negative cover.

    Cant say if it has changed since.... Good Luck!
  4. GeorgeS

    GeorgeS Active Member

    These both look like maintenance free batteries. This means they never need to have the water added or even checked. They could have put a simple rubber cover over the exposed post but it is the negative post and is grounded anyway. It won't hurt anything. A maintenance free battery is less subject to acid vapors corroding the posts. Sometimes I spray it with this red spray from an automotive store for battery posts to keep it from oxidizing over time. Not necessary.
  5. Recoil45

    Recoil45 Active Member

    There is no need for a cover on the negative terminal like there is on the positive terminal.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. The OEM battery cover provided splash protection for these electronics on the negative terminal.


    (The wire coming off the bottom is my BM2, but the other stuff looks like some kind of sensor.)
    electriceddy likes this.
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  8. This (IBS):
    One could fashion a cover quite easily if concerned, probably a good idea. Be sure to post in modifications and tweaks thread if you decide to;)
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2020
  9. Or one could find out whether the correct part number is still the original 37110-2V36, or has changed to the 00275-29000 that Hyundai supplied to the dealer.

    (That would be the same Hyundai whose dealer tech support agent said that a graph showing the 12v battery discharging below 9v and going dead was "normal operation." Am I seeing a pattern here?)
  10. Although the battery looks like it was chosen by their accountant, if it's actually an Interstate that's not too bad, plus it appears that the electrolyte levels can be checked, which might be needed when charging at 14.6 V.
    electriceddy likes this.
  11. But GeorgeS just said:
    (Not sure how well that works when the battery gets charged every four hours.)
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