There is a suggestion regarding EV batteries: It is that all EV makers, to agree at some unified standards regarding batteries. These are: ---------------- - Unified sizes & dimensions of batteries. - Unified sizes & dimensions of the space in the car bottom for batteries. - Unified way of fixing batteries in a car. - Unified way of connecting the cooling system to batteries. - Unified way of electric electronic connections to the battery. - Better so, a unified voltage, for battery output. The idea is like this: * 3 sets of "class-of-size" of batteries -meaning 3 sets of battery dimensions- might be produced, in order to fit small, medium & large sized cars .. something like: A , AA & AAA batteries, for household use. ** In Each "class-of-size" of battery type, batteries would be produced in a fixed width & fixed height, but with a variable length, within certain limits.. Meaning that: batteries of different lengths, would have different capacities, despite fixed width & height.. *** Mirroring the previous point: The battery space in car bottom, would follow the same rules: fixed width & height, but the length would be the maximal, for that "class-of-size" of battery type. Thus, we would find batteries of different capacities, for small, for medium, & for large sized cars. Meaning, the battery pool for all cars, would be of some 12, 15, 18 -or even more- different capacities.. But all would lie within the 3 sets of "class-of-size" of battery type. That will allow customers to replace the future batteries by their own, choosing the capacity & the brand, according to their preference & affordability .. something like replacing a tire (tyre). EV makers, then, would have more freedom to improve the other aspects of the vehicle, after being freed up of batteries headache. On the other hand, as a result of the mass production, the specialized battery manufacturers, would have better atmosphere for competition: for further product improvement, and price lowering." That means appearance of a new generation of Electric Cars : The "Compatible Batteries EV" generation. Or simply : the "CBEV" generation. And an electric vehicle of that generation, would be classified as: a CBEV.
Noble wish... But won't happen, at least in the near term. Batteries to EV manufacturers are like engines in ICE cars, very proprietary to preserve any technical and cost advantage.
Its not the size of the car, more the distance required and the consumption. Unification needs to address more than interchangeability, as standardization of charging types and methods are a prerequisite.
You seem to be advocating for standardized battery modules and/or packs, as if the industry is going to agree to make battery packs a commodity, as alike as screws and bolts. Fortunately, that's not gonna happen. EV makers are competing on the basis of their battery packs, and will continue to do so. It's been argued that EV motors are so alike there is little or nothing there to compete on. Tesla's innovative "switched reluctance" EV motor may indicate otherwise, but that single exception may not disprove the rule. Competition is good for the market. The EV revolution is going to progress by different auto makers trying out different engineering and different approaches for making battery packs, not by converting them all to a bland standard where they're all exactly the same. Makers of gasmobiles compete on the basis of the gasoline engines they put in their cars. There's a good reason why most gasmobile makers make their own gasoline engines, and make different ones for different models. The gas engine isn't the only thing that distinguishes one model from another, but it's certainly an important part of what makes different models different. EV makers compete on the basis of battery packs, for much the same reason. Now, where EV makers do need to agree on one universal standard, is in EV charging protocols and a standardized plug, as "electriceddy" already said. The lack of a universal standard is slowing the EV revolution. But that's about the only place that a single standard would be beneficial for the EV market.
Even within a manufacturer product lines, the batteries are not interchangeable. For example, Tesla went from 18650 to 2170[0] cells and the battery packs used 'lessons learned' to improve over time. Standards also have a nasty way of freezing technology. Turn the clock back 40 years and the standard batteries would be lead-acid. EV ranges would be closer to 50 miles and weigh nearly 2 tons. Bob Wilson