
Discussion in 'Clarity' started by benmwaldie, Mar 17, 2018.

  1. benmwaldie

    benmwaldie New Member

    Just wondering if anyone knows where the Clarity is manufactured. It doesn't really matter to much to me but I do like to buy Honda's assembled in Japan because I feel like I support the brand more that way.

    Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
  2. K8QM

    K8QM Active Member

    I think ours said 98% Japanese.
  3. KentuckyKen

    KentuckyKen Well-Known Member

    Japan. No love for the American workers in Ohio?
  4. MarkClarity

    MarkClarity Active Member

    I just grabbed a VIN off a dealer website and ran it thru a VIN decoder (

    Comes back with Plant Information: Sayama, Saitama, Japan

    The first letter of the VIN is the country, the plant is the last letter before the 6 digit sequence number at the end.

    First letter Values
    1,4,5 United States
    2 Canada
    3 Mexico
    J Japan
    K Korea
    S UK
    V France, Spain
    T Switzerland
    W Germany
    Y Sweden/Finland
    Z Italy

    I believe this is the only Honda model imported to North America. Probably not high enough volume yet to justify multiple production plants.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
    KentuckyKen likes this.
  5. benmwaldie

    benmwaldie New Member

    Good to hear.

    Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
  6. KentuckyKen

    KentuckyKen Well-Known Member

    MarkClarity, thank you for that valuable link. I wish we could make posts like yours a “stickie”” as in other forums.
    benmwaldie likes this.
  7. megreyhair

    megreyhair Active Member

    I looked at the window sticker and it said Japan.
  8. bruinjacket

    bruinjacket New Member

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