Juicebox Users: A problem has come up for me with JuiceBox application support... An email came out on 1/19 (which went straight to my SPAM folder, so I didn't see it)... Here is an excerpt of what it said: "To provide you with the best user experience and new functionalities, we are transitioning to a new and improved platform for charging management. Your charging station will be migrated to the new JuicePass app (Enel X Way app). The EV JuiceNet app along with web browser access to your charger via home.juice.net will no longer be supported after February 20, 2023. Configurability and control of your chargers must be done via the new JuicePass app (Enel X Way app) which can be downloaded on iOS or Android. " I discovered this when my web access to the JuiceBox suddenly stopped working around 1/18/23. My JuiceBox reported offline when it wasn't. After contacting their customer support, I was informed of the above. Reluctantly (because I had no choice) I installed the new 'JuicePass' App (Android). I have learned that it is a giant step backwards from what I have happily used during the past 4 years. Not to mention that for me, it is not just poor, but it is actually totally broken.... Highlights of what I could do (but now can't) 1. Real-time view of EVSE temperature, line voltage, current, input power - Gone in the new App. 2. Real-time graph of the current session, power and kWh - Gone in the new App 3. Historical session data (including the ability to graph historical data) - New App does not graph historical data, AND they are not porting existing historical data into the new App... Most historical data is gone 4. I preferred the web tool (at home.juice.net) - Web tool no longer works, and no definite plans for a new one 5. JuiceBox published an API to allow you to write your own program to access some data and controls. I was using this, but now that the web-tool is gone, the API no longer works, 6. I used to be able to select notification emails for things like charging started, charging ended, JuiceBox off-line, etc. That functionality is now gone (probably died with home.juice.net). Non-Functionality of the new App (Android, for me): The new App seems completely non-functional to me. It reports "Plugged In" when the vehicle is not plugged in. When I charged this morning, the App indicated "Charging Paused" when is was actually charging. When the session was completed it recorded a 1.5 hour session with 0 kWh, when I know there was an input of at least 7 kWh. The car actually charged just fine, but JuicePass was totally unaware of that fact. When I first wanted to charge this morning, the App reported "The charger works correctly", but after charging, it did not return to that status, but rather, says "Plugged In" when it is NOT plugged in. On the bright side, I believe the hardware is perfectly functional. It has charged just fine in spite of all this. So, thus far, it as been strictly software / server problems. I have an ongoing dialog with enel-X, but this has all been very disappointing. I know not everyone is a fan, but I have been an advocate of JuiceBox. Not so sure going forward... Please respond to this thread if you have a JuiceBox and either experience (or not) any of these problems !!
I have a JuiceBox and have received no communication from Enelx. I am still using the EV JuiceNet app for iOS I just checked and all my history is there. Perhaps they started with Android and haven’t gotten to iOS yet. Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
I haven't received an email about the changes, and can still access everything using the "EV JuiceNet" android app. I'm away from home (in Long Beach with the Clarity) until tomorrow night, so I can't verify that my juicebox is working properly and can't install and test the new Way app.
Today the original android app indicated that my JuiceBox was offline. When I got home and checked, the JuiceBox itself indicated it was connected to wifi, and I confirmed that by checking my router. I tried to get the old app to recognize the JuiceBox, but without any luck. I installed the new Enel X Way app and had no problem adding my JuiceBox as a device. So, yeah, the old app will no longer function for me. And, like MrFixit, I'm not a fan of the hobbled new version.
I learned a couple of things about this bogus behavior... For me, the status that gets reported through the new App is all messed up. For instance, right now it says "Busy" when nothing is busy (not plugged into the vehicle). When I plug the car in, the App says "Charging Paused" and it acts like no power is being used by the vehicle even though it is. There is a "Resume Charge" button, and if you press that, it will start recording power input, BUT it keeps reporting "Charging Paused". This conditions remains throughout charging, and when I unplug at the end, the status reverts to "Plugged In". I would be curious whether you get the same incorrect operation and status reporting. If you do this "Resume Charge" in order to start capturing charging telemetry, there is a button to show a plot. A plot is only available while charging however (not afterwards, or not for any historical charges).
iPhone user: The EV JuiceNet app still works and the web access via https://home.juice.net/Portal/Details still works too. I didn't receive any notification email of the changes but got an email with the subject "The future of e-mobility is bright in 2023!" on 1/19.
The new app seems to accurately report the charge/car status. The JuiceBox is scheduled to charge from 12am to 4pm (to avoid peak rates during 4-9 pm). The car was plugged in around 3:45, charged for 15 minutes, then paused at 4pm. When I checked the app at 6pm, it indicated that charging was paused and 1.4 kWh had been added. Hondalink indicated plugged in but not charging. When I pressed the "Resume Charge" button, after one minute it indicated "charging" which was confirmed by Hondalink. So far, it appears accurate. I really dislike the limited data though. The "session time" starts the moment the car is plugged in and continues until unplugged, regardless of the charging status. With the old app, I liked being able to see historic data regarding when charging started and stopped, and the rate of charge over time. For the web access or old app, both still indicate that my JB is offline.
I have never used any scheduled charging features. During the 15 minutes / 1.4 kWh, did the App indicate 'Charging"? What about when it is literally doing nothing (unplugged from the vehicle)? Mine says "Busy". When I first re-installed the App (per JB support) there was a time when it said "The charger works correctly", but I have not seen that message since. I am tempted to try the dumb App on a different device to see if that matters. Edit - Just tried on a different device and it is reporting "Busy" while doing nothing.
I didn't check the app during the 15 minute period; I'm not the primary driver of the Clarity and I wasn't home yet. When unplugged the app gives the "working correctly" message. When I plug it in, this changes to "busy." When it is charging during scheduled time, it says "charging."
I have a Juicebox and got the same email. I could tell by the wording of the email that it was not going to be a good change. One of the main reasons that I choice the Juicebox was because of the app. Mine is still working right now, but I am dreading when it stops working. So dissapointing. A warning to those selecting an EVSE.
I have been in constant contact with Enel-X. They acknowledge that my status issues are real (and they are working to solve the issue). Oddly, they are not having trouble with other people so there seems to be something unique with lucky me. I have also complained about the loss of a web-based tool. They have informed me that they have no plans to support web access going forward, just the App. The App does not (and maybe never will) have some of the features as the old web-based version (no graphs for historical charge sessions, no live telemetry for line voltage, temperature).
Enel-x's decision to "upgrade" the app by dumbing it down (and eliminating the web-based option) is very disappointing. When the time comes to acquire another EVSE for a second vehicle, I'll keep that in mind. And I'm sorry that this new app is giving you so much trouble -- that just makes this sad situation so much worse.
I have JuiceBox and had to upgrade the app on iOS and I am so disappointed. They managed to almost totally destroy the value of this device for me. I do not trust the new app. Many things do not work anymore. One of the things I used a lot was to dynamically change the amperage of the device in order to account for solar charging. The amperage now changes only when you unplug the car. Another thing that is unfortunate is that the historical data does not match what the old app was showing. The new app shows that more electricity is being used than the old one did. Has anyone noticed the same problem? I am considering buying a different EVSE.
Well, I have no way of knowing this... One of the shortcomings of the 'new' App, is you can only see back 1 month. It has been about a month since I was forced to switch, so I can't look back at the history and see if it reports something different now for session with the old App. I have not seen anything that leads me to believe that the accuracy of energy use has been compromised. Some time ago (before anything changed) I checked the accuracy of the JuiceBox reported energy against my electric utility meter, and I was pleasantly surprised at how accurate it was. The App doesn't do the measurement, so I would expect that the JuiceBox readings as recorded by the App would still be accurate. How technical are you? I have been working on deciphering the protocol that is used back and forth between the JuiceBox and Enel-X. I understand almost everything at this point, and I would be happy to share my findings. My main objective is to be able to capture charging telemetry without the 1 month constraint that the new App imposes. In theory, it could be possible to operate without needing Enel-X. Or, it could be possible to over-ride certain commands that Enel-X is using to prevent changing the current during a charge. This underlying protocol is not complicated (with one possible exception).
I would be interested in seeing the protocol. I am very technical and was contemplating writing a program to monitor my sense device and change the amperage of the juice box. In regard to historical data, when signing up for the new Way app if you registered with the same email as you had in the JuiceBox app it would bring in your historical data. I used to write down monthly usage and when I go back now for the same time frame the new Way app gives different readings.
I would also be interested in your protocol. I have a 2017 vintage Clipper Creek HCS-40P with JuiceNet option. I wrote a program which uses the JuiceNet API to read EVSE status and to set its current limit (0, 16, or 32 amps), depending on how much net-metering power my solar panels are producing. It also logs status changes and charging activity. If the EVSE reports Offline status, the program calls ZentriOS (on the EVSE) and nmap (on the PC) to help report the nature of the problem. For me, the web portal and API are still working, but I'm worried. Maybe Enel-X won't apply the new changes to early production JuiceNet boards. Maybe I'm still on record as having signed an API non-disclosure agreement with eMoterWerks (before Enel-X acquired them). Even if so, the API servers go down so often that I would much prefer a LAN interface.
Hi, I was wondering if any progress has been made with the Juicepass platform, I find it shocking they have dropped support.
When I was switched to the JuicePass platform (and experienced all the trouble), I tried to work with them for a while. Finally, it seemed futile, and I got them to put me back on the older JuiceNet and that's where I have remained. I was always perfectly happy there, and hope that they don't try and force me to change again. Unfortunately it is not possible to go back and forth at will. Enel X technical support has to switch you over to a different set of servers. As such, I cannot speak for whether any progress has been made on the JuicePass front. If you have a Juicebix, have they switched you? What are you experiencing?