Increasing a kind of fossil fuel tax that can't be passed on to consumers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 101101, Apr 18, 2021.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    There is a total idiot bit of propaganda on this site where a fossil fuel shill is trying to get the EV community to accept the idea foisted by the fossil fuel industry that EVs need to be more expensive to own and operate- in essence a transfer or wealth back to the fossil fuel industry or more wealth for the fossil fuel industry to try to recover a bit of its ill-gotten subsides which are way, way beyond the advertised 15 billion a year in the US getting rid of that tiny 15 billion is just a way of giving them a pass. If you looked at all the thieving around fossil fuels it has to be well over a trillion dollar drain on the economy every year before externalities and it is an austerity inducing drain.

    It is completely possible to raise taxes justly on the fossil fuel industry without them being able to pass it on and this can be done even without Nixon style price controls. Garamendi did it in CA with auto insurance- it just requires quality regulation. But let us describe below what aggressive taxation and regulation with proper caps might look like. Fossil fuel industry would get such regime over night if the public knew how it operated and its real costs.

    Yes get rid of the subsides and bar pensions and insurance companies and banks from lending to or investing in or insuring fossil fuel companies (no more derivatives- and void remaining derivatives) and make them divest current accounts and assets at 10% a year- fossil fuel industry can self-insure and self- fund. And forget taxing just profit. Also tax fossil fuel assets and fossil fuel revenues in raw percentage per year terms that go up each year. Be transparent that this is retributive and it is aimed at outright ending fossil fuels by a specified time. If the firms tries capital flight, seize its domestic assets and de-list the firm from the exchanges. If the firm tries to expatriate let it but take the in country assets and bar its access to the US market forever and de-list it. Tax increases in fossil fuel revenues at 100%, tax increases in fossil fuel assets at 100% and tax fossil fuel profit in automatic minimum terms with an absolute percentage basis that increases at a rate in excess of inflation and goes to 100%. Start out with the top personal tax bracket and go up from there. Cap increases in fossil fuel product prices at any point in the supply chain at not more than half of inflation. When fossil fuel firm fail under the conditions (great early retirement) confiscate its assets and run at cost as necessary or liquidate and sell proceeds to fund green projects. Encourage other nations to take the same approach.

    We don't really want the same people with their parasitic attitude/culture toward energy to continue to be involved with energy- we want to cut the cord on this nonsense it can't be a driver of wage slaver etc. We don' want their sense of entitlement over theft or negative contribution and we really don't want their idiot psychopathic mentality of: the firm's only reason for existing and its only purpose and only obligation is to make money for share-holders- the parasitic kind. We need to replace that with the firm serves society or it is eliminated with prejudice. If a firm is not social benefit then it loses it charter and hunted down and destroyed by states because if it is not contributing but is taking on firm sized scale it is just theft or society undermining criminality.

    Can hear the whining- this isn't freedom? Its people that have rights not shell games and firms. Behavior by firms is not above reproach and there is no pass based on the amount of money they make. There is no: they make more money so they are above reproach or get increasingly more leeway. And there is no right to profit from behaviors that harm or in this case so obviously harm society and no right to exploit. Not even an unwritten right to exploit.
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