ICE runs after going down a hill at the beginning of my drive.

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Highland58, Jun 25, 2018.

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  1. oko

    oko Member

    K8QM: I feel ashamed to mention my "test" after reading yours, which are much more comprehensive :).
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  3. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    It seems that we are rolling dice. Sometimes you get a 7, sometimes snake eyes.
  4. K8QM

    K8QM Active Member

    @oko No - I just am the doofus who'll take that much time.

    @bobcubsfan - If I lived anywhere close to you I would drive over, have a beer while we charged our Clarities and then try to figure out what's going on with your car!

    bobcubsfan likes this.
  5. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Our house is 32 miles from LAX. The drive there takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Why? It is predictably unpredictable. Debris on the road. Accidents. Street repair. There are too many variables to solve the equation. That is how I feel about the ICE issue. In electronics, if you can find the "smoking resistor" you can fix the device. Intermittences are the worst.
  6. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Hey. Make a g & t and we have a deal.
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  8. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    I have a new acronym: RIB. Random ICE Behavior. My wife got RIBed this morning. Her crime? She stepped on the brake.
  9. I have a further report on this, I went on a longer drive in the mountains that involved some long down hill stretches. I was using HV mode when on the highway when on more level stretches and up hills. When on a downhill stretch I was in normal EV mode, until the EV range displayed as 60 miles, then went back into HV mode. Even in HV mode the ICE stayed off while going downhill, my range was up to 67 miles at one point. My theory previously that the ICE went on because the battery was full apparently did not hold water, as this did not happen even when the range was up to 67 miles. I can only speculate that I was past the normal full charge of 14kwh more towards the rating of 17kwh for the battery. I ran the battery down to about one mile range before I got home and charged it. My Juicebox app show it added 14.09kwh hours after that, HondaLink now says I have 68 miles EV range, and the dashboard display says I have 68.7 miles range. I wonder how accurate that is...
  10. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    I am beginning to suspect engine temperature as the culprit. But, yesterday, started out in Sport mode. Used the - toggle to get 4 chevrons. The car's computer set it back to 3 chevrons. Maybe to avoid ICE coming on?
  11. Steven B

    Steven B Active Member

    The only times I see it reverting to three from four is if you are travelling over 55mph. I think above that speed, the amount of current flowing from four chevrons of regen must be above an allowable threshold Honda has established.
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  13. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Nope. Just started out going < 10 mph.
  14. Steven B

    Steven B Active Member

    Would need to see more cases like this to disprove our previous theory. To say you were at 67 miles when the ICE did not turn on and then you charged to 68.7 seems to indicate the battery was not at 100% at 67. Plus, you did not confirm that you initiated regenerative braking via paddle engagement during these downhill segments with a very full battery. Our previous theory has been battery fully charged AND user initiation of regen via paddle pull. I've even had cases where, with battery fully charged, I engaged one level of paddle regen (before remembering not to) and ICE did not trigger.
  15. Steven B

    Steven B Active Member

    I wouldn't rely on any observations going less than 10mph. I think it turns off all chevrons around 8mph, so low speed behavior can obtain no reliable data.
  16. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Predictably unpredictable.
  17. Steven B

    Steven B Active Member

    Trying to extract exact behavior at the inflection points of its decision tree is not wise.
    Gearhead likes this.
  18. bfd

    bfd Active Member

    Engine temp is definitely part of the algorithm. When does the gas engine run (other than on hard acceleration)
  19. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    When it "feels like it." No repeatable pattern.
  20. Carro con enchufe

    Carro con enchufe Active Member

    That happens if you have a full battery to minimize risk of ICE coming on.
  21. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    That is what I said.
  22. I did use the regen paddle several times, sometimes with brakes + regen. I normally get about 50 - 52 miles range after a charge. The amount of kwh applied by my charger when charging from 0 or near 0 has been around 14kwh. The rephrase, my charger says it added 14kwh from 0 to 50 miles previously, and now says it added 14kwh from 1 to 68.7 miles after my last charge.
  23. KentuckyKen

    KentuckyKen Well-Known Member

    I can tell you for a fact that for me immediately after a full charge I always get limited regen for at least the first 3-5 miles or so in EV, shifter initiated regen blinks and reverts to 2 bars and brake pedal will not increase the amount of regen as it normally does.
    Again, we all assume it’s to protect the battery from overcharging.

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