Hyundai Kona Electric on the race track

Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by Domenick, May 12, 2020.

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  1. The Kona Electric is not, of course, built for racing. Still, there may be something learned from taking it around a track.

    The YouTube channel One Lap (started by Kyle Conner of Out Of Spec Motoring and the host of our InsideEVs YouTube videos) takes vehicles of any and every type around a 2-mile North course at the Carolina Center For Automotive Research to see how they perform under pressure.

    While he doesn't drive the vehicles as absolutely as hard as possible, he does push them enough to get a good indication of their handling dynamics at speed. Here is a brand new episode featuring the Kona Electric you all love. Enjoy!

    E-Shark, FloridaSun, milesian and 3 others like this.
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  3. I am amazed, the workout with the stock tires performed really well. Thanks for that great video - inspiring - :)
    Domenick likes this.
  4. Domenick likes this.
  5. I actually meant to but I'm a bit overwhelmed here at work. I put it here first because we have more Kona Electric owners and I thought they'd especially enjoy this. :)
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  7. ericy

    ericy Well-Known Member

    It is more fun than sitting at my desk and doing work, that's for sure.

    I wonder how they get access to a track like this without any other people around. Normally a place like that would have all kinds of activity. More Covid shutdowns, I guess..
    Domenick likes this.
  8. The track is part of the Carolina Center For Automotive Research. I've never asked Kyle about the details of the relationship, but track access is part of their arrangement. There have been other parties using it on occasion, though I imagine it's a little less busy than usual.
  9. E-Shark

    E-Shark Active Member

    Love the Starbucks cup holder test too, real world driving!
    Domenick likes this.
  10. With its independent rear suspension the Kona does handle surprisingly well on bumpy corners.
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  12. Absolutely, to me it makes a big difference. When I was comparing these 2 cars a couple of years ago, the torsion beam suspension on the Bolt was a complete deal killer for me.
    KiwiME likes this.

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