How do you have your displays set?

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Mark W, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. Mark W

    Mark W Active Member

    I'm wondering which displays people here use for their LCD screen and the center display on their Clarity?
  2. dalbeck

    dalbeck Member

    I find myself switching often. The infotainment screen typically just has Waze up now for traffic patterns etc. But other times I will have the energy app open. On the center display, I rotate between the fuel gauge to show EV Range and HV Rage, to the energy app display on there.
  3. Emanuel Green

    Emanuel Green Member

    I almost always have the binnacle screen set to the range estimate (EV + HV = Total range).

    Center display runs Android Auto, so either Waze or Audible.
  4. Carro con enchufe

    Carro con enchufe Active Member

    EV + HV

    Apple Carplay
  5. iluvscuba

    iluvscuba Active Member

    Compass/Street Name

    Energy Flow / EV+HV

    I use my phone for Waze when going to places further than 10km and in that case, my front display change from street name to navigation direction from Waze
  6. amy2421

    amy2421 Active Member

    My LCD screen is always the range EV + HV. I really wish they had made a little number in the bottom left corner showing the remaining EV range, then I would use the centre display for something else. FWIW, in my Sonata Hybrid my centre display always had the power transfer (energy flow) diagram up, but with the Clarity I find that unnecessary.

    The centre I changed to the tiled display with the green meadows behind it. I love that! (Although I do think it makes the inputs a little extra laggy, similar to putting a large image file as your desktop wallpaper.) I usually have the Nav Map up and then also toggle to the Audio menu and Phone menus. I don't like the Android Auto version of Google Maps, so I'm perfectly happy using the built-in Garmin GPS. It has traffic alerts and I also sometimes consult the Google Maps app on my phone for traffic/accidents before I set out. Which reminds me that I still need to read up on updating my maps to the current version(s). :)
  7. JCEV

    JCEV Active Member

    What don't you like about Google Maps on Android Auto? I usually use Waze to check traffic.

    Centre: EV+HV
    LCD: Android Auto

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