I've just come across a great addition to the Home Assistant home automation program that uses Hyundai Bluelink / Kia UVO to expose data from the car and presents it to the HA interface and can be acted upon using automations. For those of you who run Home Assistant the integration is installed through HACS or by installing the repository from GitHub. So if you do not use Home Assistant, what are you waiting for ? Get started with a Raspberry Pi, a Linux machine or a virtual box on Windows. HA is open source and free. This will be a fun way to get into automation. This is just an example of how you could use this data but your imagination can be let loose here. If car is in the garage and charge is low and is not charging then speak using Alexa "Don't forget to charge the car tonight" then send notification to cell phone using PushOver, PushBullet, or even WhatsApp Home Assistant Link https://www.home-assistant.io/ Hyundai/Kia Integration https://github.com/fuatakgun/kia_uvo This is an example of the web page that HA interface generates. Enjoy Here is the complete list of sensors the integration exposes. There is also a geo-location setting which I have not tested.
I just set this up on my own Home Assistant. It's great. I wonder if it will continue to work after the 3 year Bluelink subscription is up if I opt to not pay for it?
I am past 3 years and it is still chugging along. Maybe it's a 5 year sub in Canada. Sent from my SM-N970W using Tapatalk Update: the geolocation service works pretty well but there can be a delay between location updates.