Hiring a Model S for a day.

Discussion in 'Model S' started by gooki, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    I’ll be hiring a Model S for 12 hours tomorrow, anything a first time driver should know?
    GoGreen likes this.
  2. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    Drive done. I completed some 300km in my 10 hours with the Model S 75.

    I'm glad I watched Tesla's video on how to put the car in drive, as the car rental lady had no idea how to use it.

    It was funny when the rental agreement said to fill it up with 91 ron petrol.

    Some comments:

    Drives nice, the base model has plenty of accelleration.

    Very good factory stereo. You only have to turn it up a bit to drown out the wind and road noise.

    Good voice recognition. It had no issue understanding my kiwi accent.

    Comfy front seat.

    Supercharging worked first time.

    I averaged 170 kw per km.

    Auto rain sensors worked well except when there was heavy spray from trucks ahead.

    The wipers made a whomp noise when on high and changing direction.

    Emergency brake warning works well.

    Auto headlights work well.

    Suspension is nice and tight.

    Car doesn't feel heavy or overly big. Size felt a lot like my Mazda 6 wagon. Maybe slightly wider.

    I'll post pictures next.
    Domenick and bwilson4web like this.
  3. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    Pictures as promised.

    IMG_20180905_164532.jpg IMG_20180905_123831_HDR.jpg IMG_20180905_181509_HDR.jpg IMG_20180905_123840_HDR.jpg
    Domenick likes this.
  4. larrenz

    larrenz Member

    Nice to know that you enjoyed driving a Model S.
  5. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Where did you rent it and the cost?

    Bob Wilson
  6. interestedinEV

    interestedinEV Well-Known Member

    I went to turo.com. put in a city of Los Angles and some dates, and I got over 112 hits when I filtered by Tesla

    https://turo.com/search?airportCode=LAX&customDelivery=true&defaultZoomLevel=11&endDate=10/03/2018&endTime=10:00&international=true&isMapSearch=false&itemsPerPage=200&location=LAX — Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, CA&locationType=Airport&makes=Tesla&maximumDistanceInMiles=30&sortType=RELEVANCE&startDate=09/26/2018&startTime=10:00

    You can go to turo.com ( which is like an uber but people rent out their cars for a price rather than drive you) and put in a city where you want it and dates and you can find the car you want.
  7. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    $200 NZ dollars (132 USD) for 24 hours from www.snaprentals.co.nz

    Car comes fully charged and you can return it empty at no extra cost.
    bwilson4web and Domenick like this.
  8. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    Price is similar in the UK, 99 pounds per day for a Model S.

    Unfortunately I'm stuck with a Ford Focus rental for the next couple of weeks.
  9. Seems like a pretty decent deal.
    Just checked Turo in my area. Four results, no Tesla. (I can rent a 2006 Mazda 3 for $25 a day, though. :))
  10. gooki

    gooki Well-Known Member

    I miss the Model S now. Ford's sat nav is pretty ****.
    Domenick likes this.
  11. Automakers really need to get it together when it comes to chips in their infotainment systems. Trying too hard to save a buck and giving customers a terrible experience. Once upon a time, they could get away with that, but now, everyone has a phone that super quick, so they know what's possible.
  12. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web Well-Known Member Subscriber

    We first had sing along. Around 1950, tube AM radio with multivibrator power supply.

    ... Hey you kids! Get off my yard!!

    Bob Wilson
  13. interestedinEV

    interestedinEV Well-Known Member

    That is why I chose LA to check it out, but I just realized even Phoenix has some cars. May be when you travel on work or pleasure somewhere else, you might be able to get one,

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