Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Johngalt6146, Jul 21, 2018.

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  1. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member

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  3. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member

    I think I may have a clue to my map problem. Can someone please check to see if their Clarity Navigation myMaps page (after the map update a few months ago) has three maps, or just the two in my post above. If three, a screen shot would be much appreciated. Thanks very much!!
  4. KentuckyKen

    KentuckyKen Well-Known Member

    I’ve got 3 showing. Here they are. Hope this helps.
  5. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member

    Thanks very much Ken! You just confirmed my suspicions.
    I believe that I lost a map (the one that contains all the detail on local roads) in the update I did in Feb. I'll try to do another update to see if it can be recovered.
  6. amy2421

    amy2421 Active Member

    Are there instructions on how to update the maps with the car? (Haven't received mine yet.) I used to have a Garmin GPS with lifetime map updates so I'm somewhat familiar with the process, but it must be OTA unless there is an SD card. Are the map updates free for lifetime?

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  8. amy2421

    amy2421 Active Member

    Awesome, thanks! My Sonata has an SD card and apparently has to be updated at the dealership, so I haven't bothered in the 2 years I have had it. This will be much easier to do it myself.

    Since the car has to be running the whole time the update is processing, can the car be running while still plugged in? Sorry if that seems like a dumb question.
  9. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member

    Yes - the link above by iluvscuba leads to a fairly simple 1 page instruction sheet. You will need a 16GB or larger USB thumb drive as stated in the instructions. It is not difficult, BUT I now need to make sure that my update was not the action that resulted in me now missing a KEY map. Hence, I will try to update again this week, hoping to recover that map.
  10. amy2421

    amy2421 Active Member

    That is good information to know, where to look and what to look for (3 maps listed).
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  12. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member

    Amy - Also, the car does not need to be "running" or plugged in. I did my update in the ACC mode.
  13. iluvscuba

    iluvscuba Active Member

    John, can you post the 'menu' steps to get to the page you show in the 1st post
  14. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member

    The steps are shown at the top of page 35 of the Navigation manual. Here they are below.

    PAGE 35 MyMaps 2018-07-21 14_43_07-Clarity Plug-in Navi Manual ATRW1818NV.pdf.png
    iluvscuba likes this.
  15. iluvscuba

    iluvscuba Active Member

    Thanks John, I don't have my car yet so I don't have a manual to play with
  16. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member

    iluvscuba: You will love this car! I got mine on 12/30/17. I can't get over how much it does and how nicely it is equipped. There are only a few things missing, such as the cross traffic alert system. I am assuming that my map problem was somehow of my own making. Cheers,
  17. iluvscuba

    iluvscuba Active Member

    thanks. I know I will like this car, been waiting for almost 6 months now. Only 2-3 weeks to go.
  18. JCEV

    JCEV Active Member

    Sorry to hijack the thread but any way to have it start in map view rather then the search/map option.
  19. KentuckyKen

    KentuckyKen Well-Known Member

    PM me an email address and I’ll send you a pdf copy of the USA manual. It will ease your wait. Ken
  20. iluvscuba

    iluvscuba Active Member

    thanks Ken, but I have already downloaded the pdf, just never open it as I want to wait until I am close to getting the car. I will probably drive me nuts if I read the pdf and can't play with the car...
  21. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    There is so much to read in the Owners Manual that you should get started now, before you start spending all your time in your car. As you're reading, make a list of the stuff you want to play with. Really.
  22. Johngalt6146

    Johngalt6146 Active Member


    I did some checks over the weekend with other Clarity (Thanks KentucyKen!!) and CRV owners. They had all 3 maps under myMaps, while I had only two. That was a key clue!

    I reapplied my previous map update already downloaded on my USB memory stick in Feb. (without going back to the Garmin Express map down-loader.) I now have 3 maps showing in myMaps and the missing detail is no longer missing.

    My guess is that my previous update was downloaded OK from Honda/Garmin to my USB stick, but did not properly install all 3 maps in my car. That may have been due to my error.

    Thanks all,
    ClarityDoc and Ken7 like this.

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