Green energy/production should have always been prioritized essential!

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, May 15, 2020.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    Regular construction and production were going on without impediment. Gutted fossil fuels the same. Yet it is not like climate change is any less imminent right now, no it grows more pressing by the day. Climate change needs a higher priority than anything else short of a deep impact asteroid or global war. Addressing climate change now prevents climate displacement which helps prevent existential war. It is very concrete. Here we see a separation of the fake green from the true green. Like the pro fossil fuel democrats in CA that pretend they aren't.

    Here is another example. Right now in CA there is a duck curve and the ridiculous notion that there is surplus green energy and the truth that CA is in practice literally wasting green energy when it is supposed to be displacing dirty energy with it but isn't! That shouldn't be happened, never ever should have happened if fossil fuel kwh in the state was any number above 0 during so called duck curve hours. And there are proposed stupid deceptive solutions like for this manufactured problem like green energy stored in long tail pipe fossil fuel camouflaging hydrogen. So what the state did was just like its corruption of net metering in protecting dirty fossil fuel contracts and hiding and covering fossil fuel kwh production during the day instead of reducing it to zero and insisting the plants remain spun up for the night until replaced by green storage. See how corrupt that is? Same dirty energy producers were insanely arguing that if people used solar they had a right to raise rates on remaining customers (who couldn't afford to go solar- even though when you can afford its upfront is much cheaper) and arguing that this was necessary to preserve profits. As if they were entitled to profits (they think are literally under current corrupted law) and profits for what? What is their value added contribution? Failing to underground lines and using it as an excuse for more Enron style rolling black fraud to jack up prices and still suck down in one companies case 4 billion a year in profits and charging 3-4x what rural coops charge for the same dirty products and then trying to claim green energy is the cost of the price increases when battery backed solar utility scale (8 mile energy) is at 1.1 cents a kwh and dropping or about 1/20th what they cost and roof to will be cheaper still. That black out pushing company sucked down something like 40 billion in profits but claimed it was too expensive to underground the lines that caused the fires. And look CA started a policy that lasted only one year that made insurance companies that were insuring dirty risk averse fossil fuel providers and buying their stock in both cases socializing their endless losses at public expense (every last one of them was doing it) publish their fossil fuel exposure. Not surprisingly they dropped the coverage of exposure when home owners insurance in the state (as one example) increased by about 40% over a year due to the PG&E fires- did the rates even go up for the fossil fuel companies? And despite claiming a ridiculous surplus of green energy the state insists on importing a substantial amount of energy but it doesn't want to break down the sources which means its importing substantial fossil fuel energy on top of this fake surplus making!. So shutting green production and also given the nature of green energy impairing its production appears to be part of green washing and an attempt to harm green just like attempts to roll back pollution controls to further subsidize fossil fuels beyond raw subsidies by adding to their ever increasing accumulating already massive externalities.

    What they should have done was helped green stay open any way possible while providing complete protections for employees who couldn't or didn't feel comfortable coming in. The idea that these public health experts are beyond question is ridiculous expert worship. Did they give us the right kind of warning or a timely warning? Apparently not. Did they prevent it in the first place? Apparently not. Were they reasonable in their treatment of green? No there they were prejudicial to say the least. What is their real level of credibility? What gives them credibility was their effort to flatten the curve but it never should have been done in a way that was prejudicial against green and never preferential to fossil fuels as it was! Their credibility should be gauged against world standards. The US has the highest costs and some of the worst outcomes in the developed world. Public health in this country is weak if not it wouldn't be a country that allows 14,000 plus untested chemicals to be put in foods as long as they are called additives when they should be called drugs. It is a country where the average kid graduating high school is pre-diabetic where there is no diabetes in Nigeria and almost none in the US 50 years ago but instead of telling the truth to protect public health about a utterly contaminated food supply (largely due to bending over for petro chemicals) they blather about heritability- always trying to blame the victim. Is also the water supply that they've failed to protect. EPA's Wheeler "it is inappropriate and unnecessary for the EPA to regulate mercury," in short the fossil fuel industry has a right to make you smoke and drink tail pipe. Not just the EPA but the FDA- you see fossil fuel waste that they make us consume like EDTA doesn't have to listed on the label of things like mayonnaise because its a 'standardized' ingredient. Remember the outcome of Fox case in Florida where it was determined that Fox had a right to fire its anchors for telling to the truth about the safety of Monsanto's rBST? Precedent for the media's right to intentionally deceive the public about matters of public health for profit. It is a country that lost health care for much of its population (it had health care for all for about 30 years up through Nixon unleashing HMO and largely but stupidly privatizing health care) and is essentially alone among the developed world in not being able to provide affordable quality health care to all of its citizens. And the US was amongst those that had the most advanced notice on CV but it is reporting some of the worst outcomes and doesn't apparently have accurate or reliable reporting which may conflate or overstate its outcomes.

    Because of its decentralized and automated nature green is a true disaster hardner. Its not just that it doesn't add to respiratory issues in the time of a pandemic if you for instance have roof top solar and batteries your power will be up even if the grid is down. And it means you're in better economic shape i gets you closer to home steading- we should never be adding to the grid until we've provided for own direct needs. . Green is a matter of public health and public security it might have highest priority in everything.
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