Go Electric Non-Profit Charity: We Need Your Support

Discussion in 'General' started by Go Electric, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. Go Electric

    Go Electric New Member

    Go Only Electric (a non-profit charitable organization) is desiring to connect with electric car enthusiasts to rally support to provide for the needs of COVID-19 First Responders and for building support for our electric car ride service.

    Please review our mission statement and give us your thoughts - We'd love to hear from you!

  2. Go Electric

    Go Electric New Member

  3. hobbit

    hobbit Well-Known Member

    How do you expect to implement "rideshare" safely without installing
    hermetic partitions inside vehicles?

  4. Go Electric

    Go Electric New Member

    Thank you for your question!

    Actually the main focus right now is providing free rides to Frontline Workers/ First Responders...

    These workers would be wearing PPE as they do standardly. And our drivers would be wearing PPE... At the moment, we have members sewing masks and taking part in other essential safety action items.

    For more information, please see our page at: https://goonlyelectric.org/go-only-electric-disaster-relief-plan/

    But you are correct, safety is our primary concern.

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