Gauging interest in OEM rim w/tire as a spare

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Clarity_Newbie, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. Clarity_Newbie

    Clarity_Newbie Active Member

    I may be selling 3 of the OEM rims and tires for $400.00 a piece plus shipping.

    Why? Most likely gonna purchase different rims and put new tires on them. Really depends if I can get rid of all three tires or not before I make the purchase of the Alloys.

    I will keep one of the rims/tires as a spare in my garage and throw in the trunk if take a long distance drive.

    If all this takes place in the next month...I would expect 7500 miles on the tires and rims are in excellent shape (ie) no curb rash etc.

    Must be gonna keep the
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2019
  2. Sandroad

    Sandroad Well-Known Member

    I'm intrigued, but not as a spare. It's almost inevitable I'll damage a wheel here in our horrible Michigan roads. It would be nice to have a used one in the garage, rather than being forced to buy new at the dealership in a hurry. I'm afraid of the shipping costs, though. What is your zip code?
  3. The Gadgeteer

    The Gadgeteer Active Member

    Where are you/the tires located?
  4. Ceetee

    Ceetee Member

    There's always a market for these on auction sites ;)

    Might get dinged at the end of my lease as my S.O. scuffed them rims :(
    Clarity_Newbie likes this.
  5. Clarity_Newbie

    Clarity_Newbie Active Member

    Sandroad and Gadgeteer

    The closest city is Waynesville NC. and I would drive there to ship since I am sure the cost would be greater from my podunk. lol

    Hope this helps
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2019
  6. Sandroad

    Sandroad Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I plugged the weight into UPS ground with both zip codes and it's a dealbreaker expensive. Local Craigslist might be a better bet for you to sell them?
  7. Clarity_Newbie

    Clarity_Newbie Active Member


    Thats what I figured but worth a shot. There is such a limited market for the Clarity right now I figured posting in a couple forums was the best shot.

    No rush or big deal either way. Thanks
  8. The Gadgeteer

    The Gadgeteer Active Member

    I missed out. Someone on eBay had a great deal. A set of 4 barely used, no scuffs, rims and tires totally looked new. $1200 with free shipping.
    I almost pulled the trigger but I had only had the car a week or so and I also thought there would be others selling but there hasn’t been. Plus I just wanted one. It was a great deal. It would have definitely been worth it.
  9. The Gadgeteer

    The Gadgeteer Active Member

    Clarity_Newbie thank you. The shipping will kill me too. I almost feel like making a road trip. Let me look into options. I have a friend who is in the trucking business. Maybe I can get the tire to hitch a ride even if it’s part way.
  10. Clarity_Newbie

    Clarity_Newbie Active Member

    Sandroad and Gadgeteer

    So what are the shipping costs to your respective locations?

    Based on what I have read...shipping a tire only is like $20 or so...I didn't figure with the rim included would be that much more. I must be ill-informed. If its that expensive...I don't how Amazon does
  11. Sandroad

    Sandroad Well-Known Member

    If you were to drop it off at a UPS store, the online calculator estimated about $50. I would have to get the exact measurements and weight to figure a final. And, the last time I used the UPS calculator, shipping was quite a bit higher when I actually got to the store. Protecting the wheel and the wheel cover during shipping would best be done with a box, which would add to the size and cost.

    I don't know how all the commercial sites like Amazon and others offer free shipping now. We are so spoiled. Even the Tire Rack and Discount Tire ship free now too. Those of us who occasionally ship individually pay a huge cost for not having a monster contract!

    I can get a full set of nice aftermarket wheels from Discounttiredirect (shipped free!) for only $464. I think I'll do that, mount my winter tires on them, and have both the convenience of pre-mounted winters as well as emergency replacements for my OEM if I damage one.
  12. Clarity_Newbie

    Clarity_Newbie Active Member


    Understood. My original thought was folks who wanted one tire as a issues with rim fitting or tire size etc. I plan on keeping one if I end up selling the other 3.

    I figured I'd ship the plastic piece that attaches to the rim separately via USPS for about $ would never survive the UPS/FedEx shipping process. Prior to shipping, I would duck tape heavily the exposed rim to avoid scrapes and dings. Otherwise it becomes to complicated.

    Like I said rush either way so I'll wait and see what happens.

  13. The Gadgeteer

    The Gadgeteer Active Member

    I am going to hold off for now but I will keep you and your offer in mind.

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