This is probably one of those, can't be unseen comments/questions, so I'll apologize in advance... Has anyone noticed that using the side camera, some vehicles look like they have emergency vehicle flashing white lights? Not sure how many times I see this and instinctively try to pull over before realizing they are not an unmarked vehicle. I suspect it is a function of them being led lights and the refresh rate on the camera and/or screen.
I think it is the led combine with the refresh rate... I have grown to ignore them since I see them when I take pictures too but first time I saw it when I test drive the car I was like oh it's there too
Yeah unfortunately This is one of the features I find no use for so I turn it off. When I'm in the city and need to make a right turn I will put it on manually to see cyclists coming. Thats about it.
I love the thing, but I usually do it on manual so I can scope out the lane and wait to make my move. Unfortunately in my area a turn signal tells the guy in the lane you want to go in to speed up and not let you in. :-(