Electric Large Vehicle Fleet News

Discussion in 'Other EVs' started by ChargePoint, May 30, 2018.

  1. Organizations like DHL, UPS and even Zion National Park are electrifying large vehicle fleets. New York is transitioning to emissions-free fleets and 12 cities worldwide have committed to buying only electric buses by 2025.

    Electric buses will be 40 percent of the market by 2022, thanks to major financial, environmental and operational benefits. They have much lower operating costs and can already be cheaper, on the basis of total cost of ownership, than conventional buses today.

    Here's a quick roundup of potential game changers in trucks and buses - but there are many more recent announcements internationally as well!

    • UPS To Deploy First Electric Truck To Rival Cost Of Conventional Fuel Vehicles. Source: The Verge
    • The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Thursday unveiled five all-electric buses. Source: ChargePoint
    • The Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) approved the purchase of twenty 60-foot articulating, battery-powered electric buses to be used for airfield guest transportation (replacing older diesel buses). Source: International Airport Review
    • DHL has 10 Tesla Semis on order. Source: The Drive

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