Eco Assist® System Ambient Meter side bars

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by Tiralc, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Tiralc

    Tiralc Active Member

    Finally found the green bars on either side of the driver display in the manual:

    Eco Assist® System Ambient Meter
    ● Changes color to reflect how fuel-efficiently you are
    Green: Slow acceleration or deceleration (good fuel
    White-green: Moderate acceleration or deceleration
    (moderate fuel economy)
    White: Aggressive acceleration or deceleration (poor fuel
    ● The indicator remains red as long as SPORT mode is

    Before I found them in the Clarity PHEV owner's manual, I watched a Honda YouTube video on the Clarity Hydrogen fuel cell "coaching bars".

    hmm, so they don't work in sport (always red). Now I may need to try eco or norm just to try them out ...

    Screen Shot 2017-12-18 at 11.17.09 AM.png
  2. FrameFlipper

    FrameFlipper New Member

    Thanks for pointing this out!

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