Duke Energy provides electricity to parts of Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio and South Carolina. They've been offering a $3000 incentive for a couple years to customers who buy a new Nissan Leaf. This page from their web site has details: https://www.duke-energy.com/energy-education/energy-savings-and-efficiency/plug-in-electric-vehicles A user on another forum says they're changing it to a $3500 incentive, good through April 1, 2019, but that's not yet reflected on the page. This incentive, plus the $7500 tax credit, means at least $10,500 off the sticker price, meaning around $24,000 for a mid-tier trim. Compare to $27,000 for a similar-trim Altima =)
Here's the link to the updated notice: https://www.duke-energy.com/_/media/pdfs/energy-education/pev-nisson-leaf-discount-flyer-customer.pdf As promised, $3500 off until April 1