Drivers Seat Auto Adjust

Discussion in 'Hyundai Ioniq 5' started by BobS, Oct 2, 2022.

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  1. BobS

    BobS Active Member

    My ionic five does not recognize the difference between my key and my wife's key. If she was the last one to drive the car, and I get into the car, it crushes me in under the steering wheel before I can push the start button and get to the screen to change it to my profile.

    Is there a workaround for this?
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  3. 10sqmiles

    10sqmiles New Member

    We use the buttons on the door to make the seat/mirror adjustments
  4. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Do all the drivers of your I5 use the same seat settings so you don't need the fob to achieve personal seat preferences?
  5. BobS

    BobS Active Member

    We use very different seat settings however I cannot figure out how to change the seat settings from the key FOB.
  6. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve Active Member

    The Canadian version of the LR, AWD, I5 has two buttons on the driver's door. Each button is for a different driver setting. Long press after the seat position is adjusted, short press to actually use it. If you don't have these buttons, it's either different in the U.S. models or you don't have the memory feature. The key fob has nothing to do with seat memory, neither does the driver profile. You can find the manual online.
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  8. insightman

    insightman Well-Known Member Subscriber

    Our 6-year old Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid has door buttons like those, but the key fob automatically triggers the seat memory. The door buttons are handy when only me or only my wife brought our fob and we switch drivers. I'm surprised Hyundai doesn't have that technology, too.
  9. BobS

    BobS Active Member

    To the best of my knowledge my USA AWD works like this. The buttons on the door select one of two seat positions for the driver profile selected. So there are two seat positions for driver profile 1 and two seat positions for driver 2. The key fob does not switch driver profiles, this can only be done thru the touch screen. The heads up display can be set to one position for driver 1 and a different position for driver 2
    ScubaSteve likes this.

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