Dashboard Rattle

Discussion in 'Clarity' started by ManKo, Apr 6, 2018.

  1. ManKo

    ManKo Member

    Does anyone have any rattles coming from their dashboard? The Clarity is so quiet inside that even the slightest rattle can be maddening. I have one small recurring rattle coming from what sounds like the right side of the dashboard when driving around 30-50mph. I’ve tried pushing on various parts of the dashboard to determine where it’s coming from, but can’t seem to pinpoint it. Plus I’m always alone when driving the Clarity which makes it difficult to push/press some of the further points of the dashboard. I was hoping maybe someone else has this rattle and was able to pinpoint and eliminate it :)

    I’ve eliminated the possibility of it being something in the glove compartment, sunglasses holder, or center console.
    Daniel M W likes this.
  2. PHEV Newbie

    PHEV Newbie Well-Known Member

    Might be worthwhile letting the dealer have a look. My Clarity is still completely free of rattles or squeaks after almost 4000 miles.
  3. bfd

    bfd Active Member

    Something rolling around in your glove box? There's also probably a filter or two behind that box that might not be seated securely…
  4. Sriyad

    Sriyad New Member

    Yes. It is coming from faulty blower motor. We got it replaced for free at the dealership within the first week of our Clarity purchase. Many others also have had this issue.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  5. ManKo

    ManKo Member

    Did the rattle stop or sound different when your HVAC was running? Just trying to figure out if there’s some way to verify this is the problem before taking it to the dealer. The wife currently has the car at work.
  6. Sriyad

    Sriyad New Member

    Rattle stopped when fan was turned off.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  7. Sriyad

    Sriyad New Member

    I was making that noise only when fan was running.

    Sent from my iPhone using Inside EVs
  8. AlanSqB

    AlanSqB Active Member

    I have a rattle that is very infrequent. Focus is directly behind the binnacle near the windshield. It sounds like it’s in the dash. Annoying when it happens, but very difficult to get it to happen. Typically only heard in one place on my local highway.
  9. ManKo

    ManKo Member

    I’m certain the rattle is present even when the HVAC is off because I mostly drive with it off. It sounds to me like the rattling is happening towards the top right side of the dashboard.

    Next time I drive it I will try cycling the fan to see if the rattling noise changes or stops.
  10. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Random rattle happening. Seems to be triggered by harmonic vibration in the road. Going a hump or other dips does not trigger. it. Odd.
  11. ManKo

    ManKo Member

    That's what I'm hearing also. Does yours sound like it's originating from the upper passenger side of the dashboard also?
  12. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Yes. Two distinct rattles. Really hard to nail down.
  13. ManKo

    ManKo Member

    The problem I have is I'm always by myself in the Clarity, so I never have the opportunity to try and pin-point where the sound is coming from. I've tried reaching over while driving but can't reach the entire dashboard from the driver seat. The most annoying part is this harmonic vibration sometimes even occurs while driving on the smoothest roads and is quite annoying. If you figure out what's causing this please post and I will do the same :)
  14. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Elsewhere, somebody posted that the culprit was a faulty fan motor. But that should only happen if the fan is on. In the same post, it was mentioned that there are some filters behind the glove box that could be rattling. If this is an ongoing matter, Honda should notify owners.
  15. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    The source of the rattle appears to be the baffle in the little speakers above the dash on both sides. Tap on it and you can hear it rattle. While driving, push on it when rattling. It stops rattling.
  16. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Screen Shot 2018-05-14 at 9.18.15 PM.png This speaker. Driver and passenger side.
    Daniel M W and bmoralesii like this.
  17. bmoralesii

    bmoralesii New Member

    Same thing on mine. It quiets down when you apply some pressure.
  18. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Grill on the speakers on the pillars above the dash appears to be the culprit. When you hear the rattle, push on the grill. Or, when stopped, tap the grill.
  19. AlanSqB

    AlanSqB Active Member

    I think you’re on to something. Some quick testing this morning on the way to work seems to confirm that this is the source of my rattle on the left side.

    I should be doing some highway driving later this week to test further.

    If this is the solution, it may speed up my plans to change out the speakers.
  20. bobcubsfan

    bobcubsfan Active Member

    Is there a way to remove the outer ring and grill?

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