Clunking sound when reversing and clunking sound at the rear at low speed

Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by CJC, Mar 8, 2019.

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  1. BC-Doc

    BC-Doc Member

    At how many km are people noticing the brake noise issue arising at?
    BC Doc
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  3. Wayne Warde

    Wayne Warde Active Member

    Within a couple of weeks for me. So about 1000km
    BC-Doc and CJC like this.
  4. CJC

    CJC Well-Known Member

    I would say it was about 2 months of driving for us, but we are low mileage drivers. Had a huge clunk and then a series of clunks. The of course no clunking when I took it to the dealer. Now it is a clunk with each braking. Not super loud, but loud enough to be very annoying. I will try to book with the dealer tomorrow.
    Wayne Warde likes this.
  5. Wayne Warde

    Wayne Warde Active Member

    There were also a couple of other cars in Nanaimo that had to have the pads changed on the back.
  6. BC-Doc

    BC-Doc Member

    Thank you Wayne and CJC. I’m at the 1k mark on my odometer. I’ll be keeping an ear out for it with mine. Appreciated!
    Wayne Warde likes this.
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  8. I noticed clicking right away with 20kms on the odo, but I didn't mention anything about it to dealer until about 1200 km. At that point the clicks were getting clunkier (if that makes any sense), Fortunately Wayne had the service done @ the same dealer so the fix was verified to new pads ( old ones too small and would move around in the caliper).
    I also had the same problem on both my previous Leafs: Nissan's fix was lubricate, which obviously came back then tried to charge me $ as a "maintenance issue".
    Thankfully Hyundai diagnose and repairs the problem in warranty.
    BC-Doc and Wayne Warde like this.
  9. CJC

    CJC Well-Known Member

    I'm booked in at the dealership on Friday, and I will take a copy of some of the discussion here about the issues others have had so they don't have to re-invent the wheel looking for my clunk.
    Wayne Warde and electriceddy like this.
  10. Sorry no replacement part#s to give you
    Wayne Warde and CJC like this.
  11. CJC

    CJC Well-Known Member

    I have had no clunking for the last two days! I wonder if it is clunky only in the rainy weather--I'm not sure. Now I have to decide whether to go for the appt. tomorrow with no clunking or cancel and wait for clunking again. I was frustrated on my first appt. when none occurred while I was there so they sent me on my way. Not sure whether to cancel or not? Any opinions??
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  13. Wayne Warde

    Wayne Warde Active Member

    It sounds to me like the Gremlins are screwing with you.
    CJC likes this.
  14. Have you told your dealer yet about others on this forum and their fixes yet? Why not try the same fix - clunk or no clunk?
  15. Wayne Warde

    Wayne Warde Active Member

    When it was happening for me it would do it at low speed raining or dry and it would do it worse when I shifted from forward to reverse and again from reverse to forward. I would take it in and just tell them how it is happening for you and tell them about the other people. At least they can change the pads and see if it makes a difference.
    CJC likes this.
  16. CJC

    CJC Well-Known Member

    I am printing out some of the thread to take in to the dealer. I think I mentioned the thread last time I took it in, but they said to drive it and see if it went away. So hopefully they will hear some clunking. I think mine does the same i.e. clunking more from reverse to forward and vice versa.
    Wayne Warde likes this.
  17. Mine clicked consistently since day one , no matter the weather , and developed an occasional clunk after .
    The tecks may require the actual sound to confirm for warranty replacement unless they feel the movement of the pads within the calipers is beyond specs (checked on hoist ). I would take it in and have that part checked first.
    Wayne Warde and CJC like this.
  18. CJC

    CJC Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what to say after going to the dealership. I had another hissy fit similar to the one I had when they were screwing around with the delivery of our Kona.

    In a nutshell, my brakes were clunking like crazy this morning. I told the service rep about other Kona owners in Nanaimo with the same/similar problem and they had new brake pads put on their cars. The rep looked at me showing little interest and suggested I tell it to the factory rep, and told me I could take my car out with the factory rep and let him hear the clunking. I said that I was not pleased to be doing that test ride as I figured I should just be able to hand the car over, they could listen, and call Nanaimo service dept and chat with them. (the parking lot at my dealership is small and awkward and there is no parking spaces and maneuvering and driving a car out of there is a nightmare). I said this was my second visit for the same problem. Nope I needed to demo it.

    Factory rep is not available so a mechanic comes out with me. As I back up he says he hears it in about 2 seconds and figures he knows what it is but will take it out on his own. He comes back and says "it is like another Kona we had and we glued rubber on the brake pads". That irked me endlessly hearing another Kona there had the same issues and they were acting like I had horns when I said what my problem was. I asked to talk to the factory rep. as I said I was not keen on a temporary fix that might just peel off. He looked at me like my peeling off comment was dumb.

    The factory rep came out of a meeting to talk to the woman who was amping up in the waiting area. lol I told him about other Konas in Nanaimo with brake pad changes that resolved the problem so why couldn't he give them a call? With me insisting x 2 that he call, he said he would after his meeting. But he said there are no other sized brake pads for the Kona. I said "well I think there are obviously if other owners got them". I wanted to punch someone by now. We were clashing as other customers were watching and listening. I exited stage left saying "Just to let you know, I am not happy and I am PEEVED. Will you promise to phone me after you talk to Nanaimo?" He promised and eased me out the door.

    He just called saying he talked to Nanaimo and there are different sized Kona pads at the factory --ones that the dealerships don't have access too. He will order those for my Kona from the factory and call me when they come in. I hate going to the dealership as I always make a fool of myself as I am too hot tempered as I get older. But honest to God why can't they just listen to the customer with some respect? To give credit, the staff were all polite when I was letting it be known that I was not happy.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  19. You did the right thing and it sounds like you are going to get what you need. Good for you! I hope it works out. Too bad you had to get hot to get some action but don't feel bad. Sometimes that's what people need to see and hear.
    Wayne Warde and CJC like this.
  20. Wayne Warde

    Wayne Warde Active Member

    OMG I am sure that if I were talking to my dealer and he gave me the wooden ear treatment I would come unglued. I know enough about mechanical things to know when I am getting a snow job. You did very well pressing him into a crap corner that he built. Good going girl !!!!
    electriceddy likes this.
  21. They take about 2- 3 weeks to arrive. Glad the Hyundai rep looked after you, not so happy at the service from the dealership as you describe.
    If it was me, I would request from the rep (I hope you got his/her#) that the new pads get sent to another dealer (of your choice) with a better outlook , and not return to that one as you have had previous problems.
    CJC and Wayne Warde like this.
  22. Wayne Warde

    Wayne Warde Active Member

    I agree. You shouldn't have to go back there!!
    CJC likes this.
  23. CJC

    CJC Well-Known Member

    Electriceddy and WayneWarde My plan is to get the pads and then switch dealerships as I just don't feel good at this one. It gets very good write ups, but I just don't understand why. Our experience has been marginal.
    electriceddy and Wayne Warde like this.

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