BMW threaten to pull its bribe money from CNBC?

Discussion in 'General' started by 101101, Mar 22, 2019.

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  1. 101101

    101101 Well-Known Member

    CNBC has been demanding Musk's removal through Cramer. Wonder why that is, which of their sponsor bribers and pushing their misleading BS about Tesla and making these demands?

    Right now BMW has announced bad results and this is supposed to portend bad things for the industry. And if you look at the results stronger companies than the big 3 are down in sales right now by a greater than the amount than threw the big 3 into bankruptcy at full year rates and the big 3 are presumably even worse off right now. Some of this may be due to a Trump delusion where once gain supply side idiocy brings on a collapse but in the case of BMW its due to Tesla crushing it across its range and likely dissuading its buyers as the most significant portion of the crushing. BMW last year tried to claim it made up for car sales loses from SUVs- anyone that looked at BMW in Southern CA knows that simply not true- its SUVs are relatively rare compared to its cars and there was clearly no spike. Now we are hearing BMW has bad news on sales volume and this is supposed not to be due to BMW lacking viable electric vehicles and having a kind of iPhone effect on Blackberry (BMW) products. But we know that's not true. BMW's problems are due to Tesla and its short sighted-ness. See a familiar pattern here too, all this supposed concern about Tesla demand was followed by the revelation of BMW demand issues (which Tesla caused.) But same ole story, BMW's have problem with fires, and ice and quality and then there are all these article pointing at Tesla claiming Tesla has BMW's problems.

    Now we hear that BMW and Mercedes want to partner on an electric. Think I predicted this. I also predict Ford and GM will try to merge but I don't think it will help, they are not moving fast enough on electrics. They are like Shell in a way. In a way we are hearing beautiful noise on Shell but they want to make it all happen 25 years too late, they think instead of having to eat their economically stranded assets (75%) of their book value they will be able to burn it. How it is already economically uncompetitive and renewables don't get more expensive they become cheaper and more available.
    And the public isn't going to continue to subsidize them and socialize their losses, they increasingly have a product we don't need because a radically superior one with better availability has come alone. What they are facing is losses from bad investments which they must absorb because those losses were foreseeable and negligent. Also they must face that fossil fuels have been displace from any kind of special status or treatment.

    So with Musk they are trying to villainize him claim he's got the same issues as Trump. The stuff from MSNBC and CNBC is hysterically idiotic they are trying to pull their weapons of mass destruction stuff and make him into Osama Bin-Laden, saying the rule of law will fail and the judge behind the captured SEC is a fool etc. This is the same hysterical voice they use to lie people into war. And look at how stupid the lies sound. They said get a second opinion before tweeting news or info that could significantly move the stock price during trading hours. That was it. But now the SEC is trying to say it can refuse to recognize language in the Tesla financial statements when he simply repeats stuff that was already in the official financial statements (affirms it) and does it after hours and even then when he corrects its downward but still within the the publish range going in the direction of more caution and more conservatism on the statements. And where even within the range it is on a future event which is plausible in both variants and therefore cannot be known as false ahead of time. No one has seen all the details but what Cramer is pushing is pure BS, I'd say he needs to be removed from CNBC and so also the head of the SEC. Tesla is a justice movement you don't deal with justice by siding with corruption. Former SEC head said their move in support of short corruption was stupid and shouldn't have happened. I hope the original case is brought back so we can see the government try to hide behind a bunch of stupid national security redactions.

    And this kind of hypocritical idiocy is supposed to justify attacks on free speech, what is the SEC doing to police shorts? How come shorts were able to profit from 911- did the SEC ever do anything about that? No because of the people they would have to go after- not surprised if it is not the same shorters here. Noticed from a CNBC article that Chanos is supporting Biden, that's a kiss of death for his campaign. And then its trying to push Beto- an Irishman from Texas with trying to push come across as something he is not with an ethnic sounding name and a pro petrol stance until he tried to hide is DINO status- he couldn't even beat Cruz.

    So again they hate twitter because it bypasses the sponsor filter and the speech enclosure they think they have to be paid if there is going to be any kind of positive impression about a good or even a positive reputation or good will and they think they reserve the right to veto any positivity and feel they are immune from lying to the public about the public interest. None of this is true and it is not true with 23 million people with twitter accounts are watching and interested. They feel they can manipulate things but that is too bad, there is no entitlement.

    So the SEC is a traitor to US interests, its doesn't give a **** about US competitiveness or apparently even economic suitability or standard of living but will allow us to pass into the stone age relative to China while it bends us over for former client states that have now turned the US and UK into proxies as it persecutes and tries to destroy the US tech sector to benefit those states at the expense of Americans and American interests. You couldn't find anything more backwards and hypocritical. Its pretty clear what is happening here, it is to stunt green progress also at the behest of a few backwards captured traitor banks too including Goldman and JP Morgan what are the on the 6th or 7th way down, now American associated bank is higher than 6th or 7th but we're supposed to put the interests of their investors as a has been economy (because of them) ahead of everyone else in society. No!
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