Auto Lock and Keeping it Black

Discussion in 'Cooper SE' started by Sully151, Dec 16, 2021.

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  1. Sully151

    Sully151 Member

    Ok, I have two questions.
    1. Automatic Lock. Supposedly, I can leave my car and it will automatically lock after a brief time. How long is that “brief time”? I have left it for 15 minutes and come back and it was still unlocked. I have “lock automatically” checked in settings.

    2. there is a lot of exterior black plastic. What is everyone using to keep it black? I would hate for it to fade.
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  3. Carsten Haase

    Carsten Haase Well-Known Member

    1. I believe this was discussed before and the conclusion was that "lock automatically" meant the car would automatically lock after you started driving (doors lock at ~15mph). I'm pretty sure the SE will not automatically lock as you walk away from it.

    2. I use 303 Automotive Protectant on the exterior plastic/rubber and less frequently on some of the interior plastic trim/panels
    Urbanengineer likes this.
  4. chrunck

    chrunck Well-Known Member

    Mine was locking automatically after being parked in my garage, but I don't know how long it took. I turned that setting off and it hasn't auto locked awhile parked since.
  5. Carsten Haase

    Carsten Haase Well-Known Member

    From the manual:

    Automatic locking Via the Central Information Display (CID):
    1. My MINI
    2. Vehicle settings
    3. Doors/Key
    4. Select the desired setting:
    • "Lock automatically" The vehicle locks automatically after a while if no door is opened after unlocking.
    • "Lock after starting to drive" The vehicle locks automatically after you drive off.
    Urbanengineer likes this.
  6. Sully151

    Sully151 Member

    Yup, this is where I am at, but it doesn’t seem to auto lock when I leave.

    So, is it, I can auto lock while underway with “lock after starting to drive” or “lock Automatically” if I am just in the car? And there is no auto lock when I walk away.

    I drove a Jeep for years and never locked it, so it’s a new habit to get into that I often forget.

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  8. Puppethead

    Puppethead Well-Known Member

    "After a brief time" isn't exactly helpful. But reading that I wonder if it means they lock automatically while still sitting in the car ("if no doors are opened"). Once the door opens to get out it seems like that negates it.
  9. Carsten Haase

    Carsten Haase Well-Known Member

    What the lock automatically means is if you are outside of the car (with it locked) and press unlock on the fob then walk away without opening any door, the car will re-lock.
  10. chrunck

    chrunck Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, this sounds right. I'm pretty sure that's how my Countryman worked.
  11. I've always used AutoGlym bumper and tyre gel on all my Mini's over the years. Put it on with a sponge, leave it a few minutes, then wipe with a cloth. Restores and protects plastic or rubber. It does look like new afterwards.
    chrunck likes this.
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  13. Tommm

    Tommm Well-Known Member

    That's how it works on my 1 Series and our two Volvos. In case you accidently hit the unlock button while in the house and go to sleep, the car wont be unlocked all night.

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