Anyone concerned about safety?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Kona Electric' started by Paul_D, Jul 8, 2019.

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  1. Paul_D

    Paul_D New Member

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  3. Tragic but it was in a 2014 ICE Soul. Cars catch on fire a lot, to the point that some traffic reports refer to them as "Car-B-Q's"

    It's just a thing with cars lots of heat and flammable stuff and many many many variables to go wrong.
  4. On top of the fact that there was fentanyl and heroin in this particular driver's system. Hard to blame the car when its unclear what the operator was doing or not doing.
    XtsKonaTrooper likes this.
  5. E-Shark

    E-Shark Active Member

    Safety has been talked about in many of the threads. If people encounter any issues, they do mention it somewhere in this forum.
  6. eastpole

    eastpole Active Member

    In general, I'm going to be less concerned about fire safety in an EV, because it's so much easier to engineer a battery to fail slowly, warn occupants about thermal runaway, and generally make the unfortunate experience survivable for humans. Gasoline in tanks and fuel lines, however, not so much -- I feel like most things you can do to mitigate a fuel fire in a gas-driven car have been done. And still there are many thousands of fires every year.
    Paul_D likes this.
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  8. Brennan Raposo

    Brennan Raposo Well-Known Member

    Not to poke fun at the report. But, thankfully, the only EV's that are spontaneously bursting into flames are Tesla's. And Tesla refuses to investigate or recall anything. ICE vehicles are very different from an EV. You're essentially sitting on 60L of expandable explosive gas/liquid. With temperatures skyrocketing year after year, I think we're going to be seeing a heck of a lot more vehicle fires. Don't think this can be blamed on any one manufacturer.
    Paul_D likes this.
  9. SkookumPete

    SkookumPete Well-Known Member

    "Highway vehicle fires accounted for 13 percent of fires responded to by fire departments across the nation” says a FEMA report. Yet in my decades under the sun I have never seen one and considered them rare.

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