The supposed offended shorts, as opposed to those just insuring their Tesla investment, have apparently been a cover for the petrol industry and those overly exposed to it all of which are very threatened by Tesla and with the short games running PR against Tesla. In effect the petrol industry and its cronies and silver spooners are trying to manipulate the stock price down to starve Tesla of capital. Could see that in the revelation that the 'Montana Skeptic' was a petrol front petrol/employee and his having to retreat on account of his actual status as a paid petrol shill or agent of the petrol industry when his conflicts were exposed- it was people telling lies because they were paid to tell lies or worse because their continued employment depended on it kind of thing or shade of it. What is outrageous is that to protect shorts Nasdaq apparently suspended trading for an hour. There is no question about the language" CONSIDERING taking Tesla private (if) funding secured." Can't remove the implied "if" because of the sentence beginning wit the word "considering," and can't remotely remove it because of the context above and the the obvious advantages that make it desirable and because Musk runs other large private companies. So yes, short burn of the century and no double standard will serve to stop it. No more deserving group for this result, but still need to see the full liquidation of the short positions. Tesla is at about all time high, what kept it from going above today (interruption or manipulation by NASDAQ on behalf of petrol shorts and petrol industry?) Hypocrisy of a suit would seem to be beyond belief and hopefully quite frivolous. Shorts were never betting for anything but a continuation of petrol corruption and the slavery its spreads. Short losses are forever but Tesla stock always bounces back. What are their cumulative losses so far- 25 billion- most of that is coming from petrol subsidies, the public needs to put a stop to that? Why would these gamblers and speculators have any standing , why would this group of clowns be able to pass along their gambling losses. Why would Tesla have any duty to them, especially since it wasn't even the legitimate use of insuring possible losses. These scam artists think law is supposed to aid and abet their scams. And look non other than the W. Admin SEC commissioner is whining about this, how predictable. And look how vulnerable their thesis is to tiny intimations from a CEO which shows they had nothing worth losses beyond their investment in their own delusions. The shorts are not legitmate, Tesla is. This is what is outrageous. Are other firms being shorted likes this? No absolutely not because the short position is total BS predicated on the rent seeking fossil fuel being able to continue to steal the means of production when Tesla is proof that enclosure has been utterly destroyed as it should have been 7 decades ago. Also hearing this potential move called 'privatization.' That is quite a confused characterization, "privatization" is almost by definition a form of theft where a bit of actual public property or commons is made forfeit and turned into a rent seeking toll road for a rich parasite or becomes a way to kill a needed public program by claiming the cancer of privatization didn't improve it but killed it so it wasn't workable while relieving the tax burden on a non-contributing parasite class and unjustly enriching one of its members for engaging in more theft.
And again as far as their scam narrative- why would be Mercedes and Toyota be earlier investors and why would Tesla be an OEM for both firms earlier on and now a competitor for their high end (dominating them) and why would Panasonic be a partner and why would the Saudi Sovereign Wealth fund directly invest a couple of billion and now Tencent if all this short BS name calling had any logic. The projective claims of subsidies from petrol shills also doesn't hold nor the claims about loans- Tesla paid it off early and again why would it have a market larger than the big 3's if it were a scam and why would it be dominating every segment it is in and why would its CEO have a successful defense firm bringing in commercial aerospace and revolutionizing costs and why would the head of Fox sit on its board and why would it have the highest customer satisfaction ratings? Why also would its products be considered so truly disruptive and why would global automakers be playing catch up and on the defensive? You a deluded insulated crack smoker to take the short these seriously. Tesla is the future fossil fuels are a past with unlimited liability culpability that would amount to retroactive disgorgement 7 decades of profit and ill gotten gain.
More than the shorts, Elon annihilated the uber bulls of Tesla holding out-of-the-money call options. They are worth $0 now. The shorts now have an upper bound on their losses Happily bought one more put at a discount. Will see if this makes me rich or not If this buyout deal doesn't go through, how much will Tesla fall? The Q3 dismal results are just around the corner. Once Q3 numbers are out, the bubble will burst, and the buyer will balk once it becomes clear Model 3 demand was just a hoax. This also made it clear to everyone that THERE IS NO Q3 PROFITABILITY and CASH FLOW POSITIVE, as Elon claimed boldly just a week ago.
With better prose, I liked the first post: Personally I saw the shorts as also vulture capitalists (i.e., hedge funds.) Their efforts were aimed at getting Tesla stock low enough a banker would fund their hostile takeover. Instead, Musk beat them to the punch. Bob Wilson
"Elon Musk's tweet could be securities fraud if he was trying to manipulate the market..." Poor, poor babies. Shouldn't we feel sorry for these lying, stock manipulating Tesla Death Cult short sellers? Shouldn't they -- and only they -- be allowed to manipulate the market without facing charges of fraud and stock manipulation? Well... no, and no. Not at all! I certainly hope this isn't just Elon giving the shorters a swift kick where it hurts the most; I hope he really does take Tesla private and put an end to the motive for shorters to keep spreading smear campaigns about Tesla! Go Elon!
And sadly, if Tesla is really "taken private", I'll have to retire my favorite quote about shorting Tesla stock: “Tesla envy happens when other people have, ahem, long positions and yours is too short.” --Jim Whitehead
It will be interesting when Tesla is the biggest privately held firm in the US in the not so distant future. It will knock Koch Industries off that perch which will be great because what do they contribute except slavery politics, deforestation, heat and CO2 pollution and GMOd glyphosated corn syrup diabetes epidemics? UPS should do the same and be taken private its drivers who should then immediately fire the management and the board but keep the union like USX-Mondragon but go a step further and say that temp employee managers can never own shares. Maybe they should get rid of the board and the management all together. Then they can liquidate UPS on their own terms and benefit from the proceeds instead of allowing it to go to thieving capitalists types or they can sell it off to Amazon or compete by going all robotic. They should do what ever it takes to get rid of the board and the management and not just do another stupid strike. They aren't paying attention to what time it is. They should be doing take overs and the labor movement should have been doing this generally since 1978 and not just getting in bed with defunct capitalists.
Before announcing plans to go 'private', I couldn't hardly read anything about Tesla, Model 3, or any Tesla products without having to wade through a swarm of anti-posts. But this buzz has suddenly stopped: We don't have a statistically valid sample set in this forum and it is summer, vacation time. Just I'm seeing similar calming in the Autoline Daily comments and PriusChat has always been calm waters. Guess we'll have to track the short leaders if our blood pressure gets too low: Jim Chanos John Thompson Mark Spiegel Jacob Mitchell David Einhorn While plans for going private move forward. Bob Wilson
Hummmm, maybe we can point them toward: Better still: Bob Wilson