"Charging outside of the home is the Achilles heel of the EV industry..." https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/03/26/business/inside-crazy-mixed-up-world-electric-vehicle-charger-pricing/ Nothing really new to this community, other than prices rising in general... _H*
Subscription required for me. I hope he isn't complaining about how long it takes to charge as well as the price. The lead photo shows him charging at 96%, which means he spending a lot more time there that a regular EV driver.
Oh. Go at it without javascript enabled. Like with many other sites like WaPo, NYT, etc ... you can read all day without interference. _H*
How do I not know this. I mean, I suspect I knew this, but need to have javascript on for work. Anyway, thanks!
@hobbit's javascript info was news to me, too. So I tried the free Avast Secure browser I rarely use and voilĂ ! Access!
Most browsers have native settings to disable it; Chrome can fine-grain it per-site, and using NoScript with firefox allows similar tailoring. Failing either of those, I would suggest setting up different browser *profiles* which can store completely different sets of settings, and you can just pick the right one for the purpose at hand. And select whether to run an anonymous/incognito/private window or not. _H*
I didn't want to mess with my primary browser, Chrome, to turn off javascript. I use Avast anti-virus software to protect my computer. The Avast Secure Browser came as part of that package. It's also available for free on their website if you google "Avast Secure Browser". I paste the URL of the website I want to visit into the Avast Secure Browser to read what I can't access on Chrome with javascript turned on. I'm sure you can turn off javascript with any browser, but I'm too lazy to look elsewhere after finding something that works for me without learning how to turn off javascript.
I use Firefox as my browser and Duckduckgo as my search engine running on an iMac. Amazing compared to my past which had a PC with all the attendant internet problems and slowdowns. Also complete privacy with no unwanted targeted ads or selling of my personal data.
Rather than an endorsement of browsers and search engines, I was writing about how I can view stuff I can't view if javascript is enabled, such as the article the OP linked. I don't have Firefox--is it easy to view that article in Firefox?
Well I just went to the article and viewed it with no problems at all. As a bonus Firefox easily dispenses with those annoying pop up ads that otherwise keep appearing right in front of what you're reading. But now that I'm here the dreadful state of DCFC is one of the reasons I'm considering a Tesla as a replacement for my Leaf next year.
Getting back to the article itself, a lot of the discussion seemed to have to deal with pricing of DCFC, and why some sites charge by the minute and some charge by the kWh, and how some CPO are raising prices. There is mention of unreliability of some chargers, but that's kind of in the background.
Politico has a pretty good article about Why America's EV chargers keep breaking. Nothing really new but it does lay out the problem well, and highlights why Tesla has been so successful with their supercharger network.